You will never have your ethno-state

Millions of Muslims in the Usa and europe are not going anywhere, you can kill 50 of them and there are still billions
you bomb their countries they search for a better life in your country, or worse they'll seek revenge.

jews are not going anywhere
even if you killed few millions of them again (implying that you are not a holocaust denier)
there will still be many times more, and you'll only give them another justification to secure their existence by getting into higher positions of power.

Mexicans are not going anywhere
Mexico is right next the us, and there are 50 millions of them, good luck with getting rid of them.

Africans are not going anywhere, you should have picked your own cotton, but your superior genes made you to dumb to realize that.
and now there are around 50 million Africans in the USA.
no concetration camp would kill them all, no amount of ships would have the capacity to deport them all.

southern europeans are not going anywhere

And even if you organize yourself, you'll always be insignificant in your influence, and even if you managed to somehow give birth to a fourth reich, you will always fail like the third one failed.

The world won't tolerate another holocaust, non-whites won't tolerate being humiliated, the Jews know your previously failed tactics.

and even if hypothetically you managed to have an all-white country, you will never be at peace, you will always re-divide each other based on other shallow traits, people who thought they were white and belonged will suddenly cease to be considered white (like the irish and southern europeans and many more).
your whole ideology is based on greed, and getting more for people who are similar to you and less for those who are different, thus those in power in your ethno-state are the ones who have the ultimate word in who is white and not, and they will make sure that whiteness is exclusive to people who will look like them.


cope harder faggots, and follow your own leaders

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (257x196, 12.38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 you got typos

Lol gas yourself

OP is a faggot


you will never have an ethno-state faggot

Tldr + left can't meme. Hang yourself.

Why not? The world will be a better place

resources and thoughts on how to build an ethnostate

either way you will probably need money to pay people's plane tickets
and you will still need to follow "international law" anyway, so racism will prob be met with a trade blockade and other economic sanctions

you could maybe learn stuff from the experiances of the amish, kibutz and other "communes"
^this guy's a jew btw

your best bet will always be a space ship, where you already need to be self sufficient in things like oxygen / vegetation anyway
so maybe work towards that

also you can also use an actual ship (like a cruise ship)

international water is very expansive, and the government you hold a passport to wouldn't really have any reason (or want to bother) bringing you back

those are probably the most realistic "ethnostate" options

you would need things like a website, a discord server, etc to organize likeminded people
tho a structure should be established early on, you should have a system to kick out jews / niggers, and they'll prob shut you down for "racism" before you even leave the harbor, but there's prob ways around it

>ethnic religions
whatever these guys are doing, tho there are others like them

>ethnic communities
the anabapstist are p much that (amish, hutterites, ethnic mennonites, etc)
i've heard in germany they have cities which are "volksgemeinschaft", but i haven't verified it

Attached: white people having a meal.png (1908x1060, 2.94M)

if you do it I'll do it

Get a Walther PPK 7.65 and follow your leader

Do what?

hang yourself

Checked, I told him to gas himself

I'm not jewish so I'm immune to Zyklon-b, sorry kikebro you'll have to do in on your own, maybe you can find a racial friend of yours to gas himself with you

>thinking they'll treat him as equal in an ethno-state
cope harder faggot

I'm also immune to subversion sorry
You know, if shekels are the problem I'll buy the Zyklon canister for you

nice try shmoolie

cope harder Mr.le funny

truth hurts

You will never be European. You will forever have a hooked nose and nigger-like hair. You people are a disgusting nomadic mongrel race, and always will be.
How does it make you feel that my people's very existence is enough to make you fragile little rats absolutely seethe? Damn it feels good to be White.

Attached: Jew tears.jpg (307x363, 30.41K)

>your whole ideology is based on greed, and getting more for people who are similar to you and less for those who are different
This is true of every people/culture/ethnicity on Earth with the possible exception of white leftist fifth-columnists, who are perhaps the only reason western countries haven't already ejected their invaders.

you will always be a dumb shit colored parasite

TFW you will never have an ethno-state

Attached: 2Q==.jpg (259x194, 7.38K)

Ofcourse we will, all multiracial empires break eventually and most of the time along racial or ethnic lines, we will most definetly have ethno states but they are just going to be smaller than our current ones, then we go to war for territory and resources as always happens when empires break, this same cycle has been going on since recorded history and every empire tries to do multiracial states but always fails miserably, nationalism is human nature

Erm I already have it.

hitler escaped to gerogia?

I won't leave around niggers, shitskins and various shades of mystery meat and there is absolutely nothing you can do to force me to do so, cope seethe and dilate

The holocaust is fake, do some basic fact-checking.
In every paragraph you are lying:
>Africans are not going anywhere, you should have picked your own cotton
White people didnt want slaves, it was a (((capitalist))) scheme to disposess working people.
150 years later, the same group of (((capitalist))) are now blaming white people.
White people gave black people rich plantation land after slavery. (((Capitalist))) crached the economy and bought that land for pennies.

Nah but Gamsakhurdia just talking shit about minorities got us at 95% Georgian back in 90s.

>jews are not going anywhere
>even if you killed few millions of them again
you're not even trying. it'd be different if you tried

You will never have an ethnostate. Israel is doomed. Maybe if you weren't evil, but that we may never know...

>You will never have your ethno-state

good thing i already have it, then.

Attached: muslims europe 2050.png (415x914, 201.13K)


We are going to destroy your existence. we are the ones who will judge the American nation.

OP is a seething zoomie nutt.

>your ideology is

My ideology is "stop being a fucking leech on my race". I'm sick and tired of babysitting sub-humans.

Nobody complains about black flight or brown flight. It's because white people make society work. It's not just "oh wypipo make food, we'll make food". It's our entire psychology that non-whites just don't have. The fun times come to a dead stop the moment we walk away, because we're the only race moral and concerned enough to keep things going. Non-whites are already so far beyond their carrying capacity, and it is only thanks to white people's global hegemony (and money tricks) they were able to globally achieve this.

All it takes is for the bad times to return, and we're back.

Yep. After liberalism dies we're going to get another millenia of white domination. It's the inevitable outcome of our current trajectory.

>word essay

Look here sandperson, the end times are upon us the only way to win is to join your Christian brothers in vanquishing the evil. You can't breed your way out of depopulation.

>trannies are following Hitler
What did they mean by it?