The white race is dying and I am loving it

I am patiently waiting for the end of the white race. I love seeing white people get angry about their race dying but realizing that they can't do anything about it aside from yelling at the air while wailing their fists. Every white person in the world should understand that whites have always been wrong throughout history and that they should feel guilty about their history, EVERY SINGLE WHITE PERSON.

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I'd beat your ass and you'd cry like a little bitch.


The thread

Niggers couldn't even invent the wheel.


If Whites disappear, then who's going to feed all the niggers? The Chinese certainly won't.

I love seeing losers like you get mad at the truth. Just accept that there is nothing the white person can do to fight against the superior race.

If you think that its all doom and gloom for Whitey LOL think again shitskins.

Video to picrel.

The accelerated jewish corruption of the world in the past few years is all a worldwide Samson Option (Scorched Earth). The jews want to destroy and corrupt as much as possible before the Final Liberation and Take Over by the Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche), they (jews and their golems) know that their end is near and they intend to drag the world down with them.

The Plan for Total World Conquest (JWO) that was supposed to start smoothly and on schedule in 2030 (Agenda-2030) but has been sneakily and abruptly brought forward 10 years (2020). The jews have been forced to move in an increasingly uncoordinated, unsilent, unfleecked manner.

In short, like thieves in a glass house, they are now running around making a big racket and destroying everything. Plus, "waking up" their victims in the process ,who the jews and their golems will have a nice farewell "Party". That's why the jews rush things. If the jews had total control over things, then they would have implemented Agenda 2030 with small steps so as not to wake up the people.

When you're in control, it doesn't matter 50 or 100 years. But something or someone (which is obviously the Reichsdeutsche) turned their plans upside down in such a way that they know they have no chance of success but given their destructive mentality the jews prefer scorched earth tactic.

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I've beaten up 6 niggers in street fights.

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Ching Chong ding dong
Ping pong shit gong
Me sucky suck you fo 5 dorra
Me love you looooong time
Ooooo me so horny
You want bum bum?

Feel so good to live rent free in the head of the subhumans, you will never be white btw

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>I can't stop sucking dicks with my ass! -OP

You should feel guilt and you should be angry at yourself. The Nation of Islam is right about white people. Malcolm X and other black revolutionaries were absolutely right about white "people". Whites are intrinsically violent, reckless and self-destructive and that will lead to their downfall.

Utopia will only be achieved once the white race has been completely wiped out.

shut up black boi

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western europe is basically getting reserve colonized and i don't even give a shit about it

That's right, behave nigger or else you will understand how your ancestors ended up with chains around their neck lmao


Kill yourself rabbi

Reminder that Malcolm wanted separation, not muttification. He had more in common with Any Forums than the modern left.

Malcolm x regretted Islam after he visited mecca.

Allah created the earliest humans, the Arabic-speaking, dark-skinned Tribe of Shabazz, whose members possessed inner divinity and from whom all people of color are descended. It maintains that a scientist named Yakub then created the white race. The whites lacked inner divinity and were intrinsically violent; they overthrew the Tribe of Shabazz and achieved global dominance.

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