Though it’s not pointed out, if WW3 broke out between US and China

Though it’s not pointed out, if WW3 broke out between US and China

Asian Americans are gonna get bullied and harassed to a degree I’ve never seen. Especially by blacks and whites

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>and whites

Whites don't bully asians, pretty much the only ones attacking them have been niggers

Chinese-American here. I’ll be open carrying everywhere I go if that happens. Please try something and give me an excuse

Not harassed, you are going in to camps if there is ww3 or even a serious proxy conflict, no doubt about it

lol what state do you live in im curious? cant even shoot a fucking robber breaking into your house anymore in a lot of places. you so much as pull a gun on someone that isnt threatening your life and you will be someones prison bitch. just because they let niggers act like that doesnt mean normal people can.

Try it then

You'll be bullied in prison.

...and that's a good thing.

lol what? im just asking a serious question dude, your response makes you sound like you're actually scared or something.
if a real war broke out make no mistake, you wont have to worry about defending yourself the government will round all yall up and put you in camps till shit blows over just like the japs. thats what i would be worried about

Awwww nooooo!!!
All those millions of dead people but heaven forbid someone's feelings get hurt!

And you’ll be dead

You sound like a cuck who won’t defend himself. Must be white

Get your yellow skinned ass back to chink land. Youll be treated like the japs in concentration camps.

what is your problem? i was asking a serious question and pointing out an actual fact dumbass. tell me when i was mean or rude to you?
you think im joking or wrong about anything then that shows just how stupid you are. stop trying to act hard lol

I’m enjoying my life here in America, making more money as an engineer than 90% of white people my age

The same 0/10 bait over and over. I’m bored of this thread now. Good luck to you in life

jesus christ, acting like you are tough and rich on Any Forums. you are cringe as fuck right now bud. have a good one, seems like this whole thing actually has you spooked lol.

no bait, i was just asking you a polite question and you keep acting like a fucking retard thats too busy trying to act hard instead of just talking. i dont know why you are so upset over a simple fucking question. im all for you carrying a gun i damn sure do everywhere i go, i just dont have to talk about it on the internet to prove im some kinda badass lol. talkers talk and doers do, so far you have proven to be nothing but bark.

Who cares? Fuck chinks.

Stfu you faggot kek

>being this naive and trolled hard
Fucking nigger.
You have the intelligence of a nigger.