I heckin LOVE religion!

>I heckin LOVE religion!
>I heckin LOVE being a cucked slave!

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Religion’s myths are a metaphor but religious rites improve your life.

>Christianity declines in the west
>Society starts collapsing not long after

Really makes you think huh

christ cucks are such hypocrites you shit on roman paganism as being weak for declining and then you turn around and say "well if people only followed it...." When are you going to admit that adbrahmic religions are dogshit?

Why pp such a heavy focus for the non religious? Is that really all you have?

>ethnic religions (christian):
pagan sources: sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/index.htm

Isn't money your god?

You are a slave to sin, you have no free will

picture is just pointing out the mutilated dick, dogfucker

Do you think being atheist makes you free? You are dumb.


Look, I think most religion and religious people are a pain in the ass at times but holy fuck you athiests are such fucking losers that it's pathetic.

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>Look, I think most religion and religious people are a pain in the ass at times but holy fuck you athiests are such fucking losers that it's pathetic.

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stupid, disingenuous response


Let me guess, you worship at the LGBTGAYMONKEYPOX alter while chanting the 'current thing' creed... if you don't then you're an atheists, which at this point is litterally a religion to non-religion.

So this thread is pointless and sage

You are more religious about your beliefs than most religious Christians are about theirs. You spend your whole day evangelizing your beliefs on Any Forums. You want other people to believe in you through your belief system because your own self or your ego is your god/saviour.

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>let me tell you what you believe and why


Christ tranny worshippers hate you because you said the truth


Your opposing view/beliefs on Christianity is your religion, if it wasn't then you wouldn't care about Christians and their beliefs. Weak people don't have the power to not get affected by what other people do with their own lives. And they're weak because their god which is their own selves is powerless.

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Religion singlehandedly turned all the whites in this country into lobotomized sheeple, it really is one hell of a drug

>religion is a tool to spread universal values and beliefs, it helps hold a society together.
>Contration retards don't understand this
When every retard decides their own morality you get the world around you. You stupid aidspox faggot nigger. Kill yourself. Right now.

no, it's the correct response.

one submission to god frees you from a billion submissions to the creation (of god)

A change in the ruling religious system is always accompanied by much violence and bloodshed.
You think the conversions of pagan Rome or pagan Scandinavia to Christianity came easily?
Things take time to settle. But new religions that are more sensible have a strong history of winning out over the old ones.
At some point people largely agreed that having a single, infallible god made a lot more sense than a whole pantheon of lesser ones.
But now people are moving away from the bible and its talking donkeys and strangely vengeful god. Same goes for Muslims who come to the west, they're moving away from their faith as well.
In 300 years time, Abrahamics will be as much of a rarity as genuine pagans are today.

As opposed to religion, that basically orders you to sit on your hands and be a good boi so that you can reap the rewards in "heaven"

Basically I just don't believe in a higher power
I know.... UGH I know ..... I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's just that I don't believe in god is all

You should see America lol

So what you're saying is: religion exists, and does nothing. Cool.

What's wrong with doing good? What do you think is the purpose or meaning of your life?

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Bullshit. Our grandfathers at the turn of the 19th/20th centuries were staunch Christians. They wouldn't even cuck to the mightiest empire on earth at the time and it took more than 500,000 british "soldiers" to subdue 25,000 Boer fighters. And the Voortrekkers before them fucked the black tribes so hard that they never took us on in a standup fight again.
Only once (((they))) managed to secularize the Afrikaner were they able to take over the country.
So fuck off with your muh christcuck religion bad.

This is on the top three of saddest Christgolem copes.
>"Well okay.. But.. You not believing my Jew god is a religion too."
No. Pick up a dictionary. "Not going to work" , isn't an occupation and nor is "being shirtless" an article of clothing.