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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm thinking about taking the homelesspill bros...

Why do ethnic workers refuse to unionise?

Left wing brainwashing of the universities continues as always.

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What a shitty bake. At least explain your pic.

>thinking about taking the homelesspill bros..

why user? no money or sick of the world?
I think about it sometimes too, would try and camp somewhere nice though and just live cheap but have cash in the bank.

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scab workers who are shit scared of missing a paycheck and not having any family to fall back on

Will there be a white Australia policy 2.0?

China is good friend and ally of Australia. Australia should cease the aggression and do not heed the calls of American imperialism against innocence of China. Please my fellow Australia people now is the time to know your true friend of China

Some of us haven't lost hope in the original plan, son

Ban e-scooters. Will this ban DoorDash too? Please say yes.

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I've got thousands in cash that I'd need to deposit into my bank. I just feel like I'm not moving anywhere stuck in this house. The best way to break out of a bad habit or lifestyle would probably be to just adopt a new one. Only problem is I'd need to find a job with accommodation. I have an /out/ kit ready to go, I just don't know where to go.

It is good old Qanda.

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NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner office broken into. Says it's a personal attack. Starts invoking the "fixated individual" police jibberish. What a cunt.

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Well, the reason for the original white Australia policy was that chinks were working harder for less pay, refused to unionise etc. Same thing is happening today, yet everyone praises their work ethic while what's left of the working man's paradise is destroyed.

no lol it's over

The mindset of the average Australian goy is completely different to that of the public during the time of the WAP. It's over.

Based as fuck stalker. This is how we need to deal with these cunts. They all have addresses and they all need to be held accountable for destroying australia.

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Do you reckon cops would do this shit if they thought there would be real repercussions for them?

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Whats up faggots we jimposting?

it was florida man
>i have a very particular set of skills
>if you apologise and buy me a new fanboat that'll be the end of it

note that "white" was understood originally to mean "anglo-saxon" or "british"
but later we apparently had to "populate or perish" and let in italians and greeks

i remember reading that the government made sure one of the first boats full of WW2 refugees was full of hot chicks to get the plebs on side
why was the government gradually expanding the white australia policy from c.1940 to 1970 to increase migration from non-britons?
because it was the thin end of the multicultural wedge

note that this same epoch saw altered flag, anthem, currency, weights and measures, and of course teaching of history and culture such that australia gradually came to lose its british character

and now it's losing its australian character as well

incidentally australia was occupied militarily by america in 1942 and remains so today