Should erotic intimacy between men and boys be legal?

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No you fucking spik, you deserve the funky town treatment.

>Should sodomites be hanged

>things white people think about

Again, this is just gay ops


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no and you should be beaten for psoting this chomo shit

You should get a bullet in your fag head.

Stop making this thread and the answer is no. 90% of this board is spam and slide at this point, unbelievable


You forgot to sage dumb nigger

No. If you take advantage of a child you deserve the guillotine.

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Just so you know this is even 1000% worse than hetero pedos and you deserve a torturous death in the public square.

Suck my dick loser

Homosexual pedophilia is degenerate.

Straight and lesbian pedophilia is based and redpilled.

are you greek ?

>1 post
>faggot degenerate topic
>this many replies not sageing

No, but I would support a child death squad that kills pedophiles.

Isreali piece of shit

>anti groomer child squads and children loyal to their groomers fighting to the death in the streets
sounds kino

yes thatd be based af

Our fine leaders in the government, media, and corporations sure seem to think so. I think that's good. Make it real clear what they stand for. Can't leave any room for confusion or doubt. They're full of "pride," after all.

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Are you doing retarded bait to annoy newfags or intentionally making these so the average user hates fags more? Either way I applaud your dedication