How the fuck are all super powers in the world so fucking weak?

How the fuck are all super powers in the world so fucking weak?

>china lost to a tiny island
>russia lost to a tiny country
>US lost to a sandnigger shithole
>europe lost to a fucking gas pipeline

I have more respect for india at this point than any real super power.

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Why the fuck would india give a shit about a German's Respect?
Seriously they are one of the oldest cultures, and you're a bunch of cobble together barbarians who's only uniting force is fear of the Russians and the French.

because a armed militia is too based to be beaten. it's to chaotic to us strategic offenses against. You can't conquer a people through force if they are well armed.

In case you haven't noticed, the way the post is structured means that I have very little respect for india, but the recent events of all the other alleged super powers are so fucking embarrassing that india wins by default when it comes to respect earned by me.

>oldest cultures
Oh man, shut the fuck up. Modern India has not even inherited 1% of there former civilisation. Italy is not the Roman empire. China is not the Han dynasty. Modern Greece is not ancient Greece. It literally means nothing.

I think it's mostly because the powerful people realized that killing all of their slaves, infrastructure, and wealth growth opportunities, is a bad idea. All of them just like controlling a bunch of people too, so killing a ton of them doesn't get them off as hard, because once they're gone they take time and money to replace. Yes, the number does matter. If you've ever played an RTS game and built a metric crapton of reserve units, way more than you'll ever need, you'll know the feeling.

These people are playing an RTS in real life, and we are their units. They're not against killing some of us to achieve something, whatever it may be. But you bet your buns they don't want to drain that big number too much unless they absolutely have to, which is really only when they get into a petty fight with another player (Major world leader).

Because india is an open air sewer.

>Zog wins
>Zog wins
>Zog wins
>Zog wins


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My nigga, Indians are brown, they are curry nigga.
They suck Israeli dick now because they wanna be on winnin team.
Getting it!

Power and strength of a country are an illusion, it's all about perception.

>russia lost to a tiny country
Ukraine ? Far from tiny. Also, I think Putler is dragging this on purpose.

China lost? They didn't start anything. Russia lost? They winning in Ukraine. US lost? Ah yea they lost.

EU is playing the long game. We will own the world one day.

haha thanks but you should nuke us

>India stronk

Doesnt even have toilets.

Found Pajeet

It's not about winning or losing. People are order followers and orders were not given. The world is already automated.
You will also never understand this.

corruption poor weak ;leadership.

up to that day there will be no gerrmutts left

>Seriously they are one of the oldest cultures
Why are americans so fucking stupid? Holy shit. Oh wait, I just realised that mutts don't have a culture.

>Why are superpowers not throwing their militaries under the bus incurring massive losses
>Why are do these asymmetric wars 9000 km away from their homeland so disastrous
They don't want to fight because this isn't WW2 were you suffer so many casualties and have the normies not come out in open revolt (asking why we're fighting over there).
