I value the SA more than the SS, bc I don't like any elitism and the SA were a truly popular movement

I value the SA more than the SS, bc I don't like any elitism and the SA were a truly popular movement

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too many fags
/thread faggot

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>failed coupe 1923
>Göring fleed to Austria
>Hess fleed to Austria
>Hitler and Röhm were jailed
>Himmler fleed to his mother's house
KEK here is your superior Aryan

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>Gets slaughtered like pigs
here is your superior SA

The SS was full of kooky larpagans, that's true. I guess it appeals to many burgers because it's anti-science as well. NSDAP racial philosophy incorporated a lot of paperback drivel by literal nobodies speculating in their attics.

I'd say he looks half decent here compared to himself in wartime, which is a very low bar, but still.

sup piglet

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>kooky larpagans

LOL ok christurd/abrahamist aka jew slave/worshipper.

Christianity is and was always a trojan horse of semitic mind poison against the European Mind.

Christianity: The Great Jewish Hoax

Christianity: A Religion for Sheep

Charlemagne: Defender of the West or Servant of the Jews?

Christianity and Communism: Jewish Twins

Christianity: Judaism for the Masses

The Pope that Drank Children’s Blood – Pope Innocent VIII

Why people of European descent must reject christianity.


Christian cultural appropriation

The Origin of God’s Word & the Destruction of Pagan Libraries

Destruction of the Library of Alexandria by Christians

Christian Atrocities: Centuries Of Pagan Persecution

A Fabricated jewish Hoax: The Existence of Rabbi Jesus Not Substantiated By Historical Evidence

A Surfeit of Jesuses

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> T.

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And if you think that the National Socialist Germans are completely gone or defeated LOL think again.

Video to picrel.

The accelerated jewish corruption of the world in the past few years is all a worldwide Samson Option (Scorched Earth). The jews want to destroy and corrupt as much as possible before the Final Liberation and Take Over by the Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche), they (jews and their golems) know that their end is near and they intend to drag the world down with them.

The Plan for Total World Conquest (JWO) that was supposed to start smoothly and on schedule in 2030 (Agenda-2030) but has been sneakily and abruptly brought forward 10 years (2020). The jews have been forced to move in an increasingly uncoordinated, unsilent, unfleecked manner.

In short, like thieves in a glass house, they are now running around making a big racket and destroying everything. Plus, "waking up" their victims in the process ,who the jews and their golems will have a nice farewell "Party". That's why the jews rush things. If the jews had total control over things, then they would have implemented Agenda 2030 with small steps so as not to wake up the people.

When you're in control, it doesn't matter 50 or 100 years. But something or someone (which is obviously the Reichsdeutsche) turned their plans upside down in such a way that they know they have no chance of success but given their destructive mentality the jews prefer scorched earth tactic.

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I'm not in favor of Christianity, but being a pagan in the current era it's just as silly as being a Christian, minus all the power and collective will (not even the crumbs which abrahamites still had left at the end of the century).

>but being a pagan in the current era it's just as silly as being a Christian

Not really though.

Why is Paganism Booming in Europe and Beyond?

Plus, not all is doom and gloom

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Since paganism is not a continuous living tradition, all revivals will lack spirit. It will be nothing but a pretense of ceremony and appeal to the psychic. Christianity is also trash. In short, spiritually we are fucked; 'Tis the season of the kali yuga after all.

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Satan is within you, national socialist.
Christianity and Jesus Christ are the white man's only salvation, and your lies and religious and political manipulation will not change the mind or heart of a single person here. You are a joke of a nazi, you're a wigger. That being said you're a demon and a CIA nigger.
Begone then demon! This thread is blessed by the Almighty to awaken One who shall see universal truth, and to curse one who throws away his own future! Fuck Klaus Schwab. Fuck Gretta too cunts.

No one cares orc.

>anti science

you mean like christian fundamentalist retards?

LOKI's broken fractals aka yahweh, jehovah, the deceiver and larping as god of old testament, fake larp satan as lucifer is permanently banned

Start taking LSD and pray to the Creator and listen to Alex Jones at FreeWorldNews.TV and say FUCK YOU to the nazis, and communists, and globalists alike.
The white man belongs at Infowars.com
The conservative belongs at Infowars.com
The libertarian belongs at Infowars.com
Fuck the left and anyone who supports abortion. Burn in hell globalists.

Good to see two happy brothers-in-arms. Uncanny resemblance too. Are they related?

>listen to Alex Jones

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SA was betrayed in the end :(

Wtf, Hitler and Hess were jailed.

i once googled who was the founder of the SS and then i laughed my fucking ass off for like an hour straight.

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