Dad uses his own daughter as human shield

Why are whites so weak and pathetic like this?

Attached: Dad.png (1080x1646, 1.45M)

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can't wait for her to take BBC from a real man

he's holding her like a Nintendo switch. bing bing

At least they found a use for gingers.

Look at his posture. Faggot energy.

>weak pathetic
Nice jealous moment, kike.

He's pulling her back. Even if he is a little weak faggot.

hes clearly pulling her away from the cyclist, not use her a shield. Nigger

The actual question is why are kikes trying to constantly discredit and genocide white people?

Look how fat and ugly the average white woman is

Sure thing, cope

Attached: FY_4sfUXoAAQ56G.jpg (680x426, 85.4K)

That's not even his kid lol

no hes trying to yank the kid out

also to touchy and feely if your know what I mean

The other bike doing some sick ass tricks

Dangerously based

What the fuck is happening to white men?

Attached: 705EE720-4087-48F1-9FC6-A20F09041BFE.jpg (268x622, 138.49K)

Maybe he thought the rider was going to hit her and tried to pull her away. Jews and shitskins always trying to dunk on whites.

Attached: 1596653753454.webm (854x480, 2.87M)

What's up with this faggot?

Attached: faggot face.jpg (174x150, 5.82K)

Red head irish are not real people, so it's fine.

Ewww too much tummy.

>curly hair

Attached: 1659299787972811m.jpg (1024x1019, 145.78K)

low IQ. You can easily examine the picture and see he is pulling her towards himself and back, away from the faggot canadian biker

obvious kike is obvious


I hate cyclists so fucking much

That’s just what the average non-obese white man looks like

Why is the bike guy attacking the sports fans?
Roid rage?

For every cowardly example you have of white men I can show 10 niggers for each being just as cowardly

>Still coping this hard
Open your eyes

It's happening to blacks too, they just don't publish it because it demeans their pets.

>Sporting event
They're vaxtard onionss.
The walking dead. Let them live in their dream. It'll be ending soon anyway.

The whole family looks kikey. Also only fags watch other fags bike around.

that's a kike
>inb4 no it's not
his kid is ginger which is soulless
definition of kike


Attached: 1498158023018.jpg (238x220, 11.01K)

yeap, i'm thinking nigger

kek most funny thing about this, that this is 100% a reddit user and tzhey mock him

Attached: 1645129620221.png (680x925, 1.24M)

proof that his actions directly relate to his skin color?

>it's not actually his kid
>using someone elses kid to protect itself
even more kiked.

>Why are whites so weak and pathetic like this?

Gingers are jewish..

Attached: 1639548942077.gif (232x281, 366.57K)

Why is anyone surprised?