Why don't girls look like this anymore?

why don't girls look like this anymore?

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not my fault you never exit the basement and only masturbate to thots on tiktok

The 1990's changed women, fundamentally.

Attached: see you in 1981.jpg (709x1024, 167.26K)

They do, just not on the jewish-negro continent

Because jews you dumb niggers.

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The quality of food fell markedly, foreign drugs were imported, wages fell.

Raising a daughter would be a task in and of itself now, I'd unironically become Amish

Make women great again.

Attached: 1978.jpg (1123x1289, 229.34K)

also girls weren't as slutty back then and were skinny
now girls are all trying to get fat

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have you ever heard of these nifty things called search engines?

She's a butter face. Just tack 100 lbs and a gallon of ink onto that bitch and she's updated for current year.

is that a tranny?

They look cuter

Attached: charli_tiktok.webm (576x1024, 1.24M)

Hair straighteners and make up

It's clear as day. Her hair is classic styling. Girls these days spend a lot of time straitening their hair. She barely has on any makeup, if any. Straighten hair and cakes on makeup and she'll look like a modern day woman.

makeup jews

It's a girl from 1984 horror movie.

that face required about 30+ minutes of makeup

social media

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A key part is they didn't fuck around with their eyebrows, I also much prefer that look.

why would anyone wanna dress like that? it's just retarded

Because of consooming degenerate goyslop that makes them fat and age faster, and race mixing.

1984 is not a movie but a book, dipshit

Ugly feet

They do. You just can't see 'em.

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