Redpill me on the Internet Tranny Aesthetic Any Forums

It doesn't necessarilly to be anime. The general y2k/vaporwave cyberpunk aesthetic seem to have attracted trannies on the Internet. Why is that?

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dont you get it user its the only way they can hide their degenerate disfigured face i saw one at my college and they asked me to sign some petition i said no go fuck yourself and that faggot ass tranny shat himself irl

yeah but other than that, there seems to be something beyond spiritual to why these trannies flock to this aesthetic like flies. A shame since I really like y2k shit and I really hate sharing it with troons

Trannies have to invade and ruin everything that is remotely enjoyable.
Fallout New Vegas? More like Falling Out Neo Vagina.


there was a meme for that something like
>>i need to hide my hobbies so these insane people dont think im one of them

i get what you mean you know what else annoys me lets say you have some interest right
im gonna say guitar hero for this scenario
i just browser the internet for customs skins and stuff and all of a sudden TRANNIES
custom keyboard
linux desktops
anything video game

This is a shit thread

Because it is futuristic user. Who knows what the future will bring; in every age before this one these freaks were murdered; the future is uncertain and something they look up to thinking its gonna be their age to reign full of perfect gender surgeries and progressivism

Fallout New Vegas has had the entirety of its community ruined by fucking faggot transgenders.
Women in gaming are comparably tolerable, and I fucking hate any woman that has to intrude on my gaming, shut up and support me bitch, I'm the carry, now put the fucking ward where I want it.
Read my picrel, it will tell you about how troons operate.

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>The general y2k/vaporwave cyberpunk aesthetic seem to have attracted trannies on the Internet.
It was cool 10 years ago, it is still cool now. Y2K aesthetic is an entirely different beast though.
Troons feel themselves as a part of "counterculture", so they try to apply all kinds of aesthetics to themselves to look "hip".
Plus, a few vaporwave artists were troons when the scene just started. (ex. Angel Marcloid)

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I don't know about you but as what I've observed, "le oldfig" tranny types who flock on obscure imageboards and IRC channels (ie: Lainchan, Any Forums offshoot imageboards like meguca, forums, the very jannies who run this website) are pretty enamored by Internet Teanny shit and they're pretty gung-ho on Transhumanism at the same time. I believe some of these people even merged the concept of gender theory to the general transhumanism culture. I'm kind of curious to why this merge happened and if it was inevitable.
ok tranny

Because transgenderism is an early transhumanist movement and Cyberpunk as a genre heavily features transhumanist concepts.

which is weird since I've never noticed a proclivity of transhumanists to mutilate their dicks for a vagina-wound that will never become the real deal up until recently. I've always thought of transhumanists as these proponents of cloning, artificial intelligence, and mechanical implantation but never tranny shit

The second paragraph about domination is very true. Explains why so many womeme went along with it. Imagine a 6'5 troon forcing their ideological dogma on a small 5'3 woman, she'd be risking her life arguing against such insane psychosis. Better to go along with it and survive.

ignore the tranny bit install XMonad / Xmobar put some landscape or a robot as a wallpeper, this freaks will be lynched.

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looks like starwars

Transhumanism at its core is about taking control of our lives from nature using technology. That can mean using technology to live as long and healthily as we desire or to change identities and mold the human form as an individual sees fit. Modern transhumanist technologies and medical practices are certainly primitive but so were the first engines and computers.

>The general y2k/vaporwave cyberpunk aesthetic seem to have attracted trannies on the Internet. Why is that?
Trannies are attracted to most niche communities online since they can exploit them to fuel the troon's narcissism. Vaporwave isn't special; this shit affects fandoms, gaming, tabletop, etc...

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well, assuming that they will be able to go that far, which I doubt that technology will ever keep up with their ideology. This belief of transcending your natural essence is definitely self-destructive at the present

jesus it took me way longer than it should have to find this picrel on the archives
perfectly encapsulates what you said

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They are mental infants that are attracted to anything with bright rainbow colors.

the very guy who made vaporwave is a now a vtuber tranny. Not even kidding

*who made Macintosh Plus

This. They actively look for any obscure, alternative, or geeky subculture to invade and attempt to make said things synonymous with LGBT or trannies.

>Normies and faggots invading cool things
>Even DnD
>Got so bad, I had to find shelter among FURRIES
>Trannies decided to take that too

>technologies and medical practices are certainly primitive but so were the first engines and computers.
Yeah, no. You troons are not the future. You are a cash cow for the medical industry. You are not innovation - you are a failed product based off the quack findings of a Jewish pedophile.

>Macintosh Plus
It's never the most famous piece of a "counterculture" movement that started said movement. The elements for vaporwave already existed before McIntosh, all that album did was give a face to the movement.

>Got so bad, I had to find shelter among FURRIES
Fucking hell, kek, you know a group is bad when FURRIES don't even like them.

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>It doesn't necessarilly to be anime
On the contrary, it's specifically the tranime

>They actively look for any obscure, alternative, or geeky subculture to invade
I don't think that's the case. Most Internet trannies I know of were already avid followers of things like Anime and Vidya before they trooned out. Hell, "I'm a cute (anime) girl" has been a joke on Any Forums for almost 2 decades now

>Fucking hell, kek, you know a group is bad when FURRIES don't even like them.
I wouldn't be so sure about that.

Thing is, as cliche as Macintosh Plus is now, they're one of the few that still do it correctly. Every wannabe artist trying to be the next Macintosh Plus either makes some half-assed shit slowed down, or ends up making synthwave instead which is louder.

>Macintosh Plus
For calming down and reliving a late 80's or early 90's vibe via imagination

>Shit trying to be Macintosh Plus
Either half-assed or too fucking loud.

All the pastel and Tumblr-goths into it was because of an influencer. None of them genuinely like it.

there's little to no tranny activity on the mecha subculture of anime.

>"I'm a cute (anime) girl"
exactly. troonism is due to a volatile combination of brutal porn and anime addiction, autism, and wide spead social acceptance, depression, mental illness. They don't compete in anything. So they become militant tranies. They are very aggressive. ultra sexualized(literally can't talk about anything besides their fetishes). and lustful for the female form.

They like it for the same reason you do, bright, contrasting colours attract autists.

There's a difference between someone unironically liking something, and then someone trying to put up a big literal or theoretical flag attached to a subculture. It's like punk rock. You have all these faggots trying to make it synontmous with Antifa, when that was never the initial idea. Now these people say "You can't be _____ or into _____ without supporting trannies and ass-munchers. Soon they'll say, "You can't be into video games without supporting transgenders."

The tranny shit you see there is new. All those trannies with fursonas is relatively new. I found out most of the LGBT furries are non-binary lefty girls with pixie cuts. In the old days, most you had was some faggot with a rainbow flag who was a degenerate coomer.

>The general y2k/vaporwave cyberpunk aesthetic seem to have attracted trannies on the Internet. Why is that?
Because the "aesthetic" you keep drooling over is childish. Trannies and faggots are immature degenerates, and like the rest of their liberal soiboy brethren they yearn for the days of yore where everything was multicolored and bright and appealed to their child-senses.

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Girl is ugly smelly gross and full of bacteria slime and dog semen and is uppity

Girl(male) is cute and clean and always submissive and just wants to make you happy

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I don't see why they wouldn't get what they want. It's a long road, certainly. But they have the capital and Elite support to go down it.

nothing is safe from troons, any new game community is quickly infested and ruined overnight
Neo-furries of today are all LGBT, I can still recall some of the original furries years long ago, who were openly NATSOC and very anti-gay if you can believe that.
It was ironically a nazi furrie in TF2 that introduced me to Any Forums years and years ago.

make me happy by sitting on a running table saw after pouring gasoline on yourself and lighting a cigarette

meaningless nihongore, google translate would do a better job than this
>fantasy vs. reality

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they can try but I doubt technology will be able to go that far. Just like artificial general intelligence and lightspeed space exploration, a mechanical neo-vagina that can replicate what an actual female organ feel and behave will never be real