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I love my cigs but I also love the outdoors.

People who hate the outdoors should be killed.

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This includes wynona kike ryder

Hedonism is a mental illness.

Jew Wife>Tranny Wife

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Separation from nature is a big reason people get depressed.

what about doing that stuff outdoors?

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Now recruiting fags, troons and basedboys.

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Outdoors would be great if I didn't have to deal with other people. It would nice If I could take nice night walk without the nosy usually fat neighbor patrol types, its almost always middle aged women. literally following me all night in their cars. I know your life is boring as fuck, you stupid bastards are paranoid. gas is stupid expense just leave me alone.

>live in city
>it's full of city people

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suburbs, and it sucks I hate it.

Then sell your house and move.

Yep, that's reddit.
Is loving the outdoors the greatest proof of being a respectable human bean?
I don't care if it's a nigger or a chink, if they genuinely loved walking through forests all day, smelling the fresh air and enjoying the peace and quiet, I would deem them good people.

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>oh god other people
Stop playing video games they riined your brain. Stop running to yiur security blanket to hide from you anxieties like a fucking homo

I hate reddit now omg

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I believe it's impossible to spend significant time alone in nature and remain a nilist or narcissist, and so many people suffering from those afflictions choose to avoid nature in order to preserve their own's profoundly sad

>I love consooming
I don't understand people who spend all their time indoors. At least go out your backyard or something and sit in the sun for half an hour.

Reddit is dumb

i never leave my house outside of work, is that why im depressed and turning gay?

Are those your only options, faggot?

Roll and if you get digits your penis grow by how ever many inches your last number is.

Single odds and your testicles will be surgically removed. Go.

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>you stupid bastards are paranoid
I wonder why...

This is true but most depressed people would rather suffer for eternity than change their bad habits

So they kick out their son and some brown kid opens the window, intrudes, moves the controller closer to the window, moves the window back down, and plays from a distance?

that's some serious addiction mang