When your own lawyer who is tasked with saving you from the death penalty cries

he's a dead man walking isnt he?

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He'd be better off honestly. In order to not die in prison he'd have to be alone basically 24/7. Or maybe locked with pedos or something. Idk. Can't see his prison experience being a good time and he's definitely never getting out.

this is all jewish theater and glownigger psyops. no one died at parkland that shit was fake and gay.

He's fucked and should have just become an hero when he had the chance

>the voices.....What happened??

Women should not be lawyers.

Im trying to figure out how they fake these which is what I also strongly suspect. Can you explain how they do it?

You either an hero….. or live long enough to see yourself in prison

kill the kike

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They just think,
My dog is dead

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>Shut up

it's pretty simple. they hire crisis actors and use shitty CGI and then reinforce the narrative through jewish media

Attached: psyop.webm (640x360, 2.95M)

Wait. Are you implying Jews are up to no good or something?


Oh wow! These guys with generic Hispanic and Anglo surnames and looks are circled in DAVID STARS! They're jews, aren't they? It's not like random people from a schizophrenic imageboard would try to purposefully deceive me......

Where are the demons though?

good kill the faggot

It's all they're good for
They can't do anything else

The FBI acknowledged a link between circumcision and violence. I wonder if that has anything to do with why jewish men are so sick in the head?

Haven’t you learned anything from the past 20+ years?

I mean, I always thought something was up, but that’s like the most vilified form of wrongthink possible. Are you all pulling my leg? Was Hitler right?

>shilling for kikes
next you'll try telling us that goldsteins and silverbergs are actually german lmao
you will never be a woman

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I'm pretty sure Elliot Rodger is actually Jewish.

Stfu asshole. You're taking legitimacy away from calling SH fake, that's the only real false flag


>schizophrenic imageboard
kys jidf shill

they're desensitized to it

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