Sandy Hook Mom: You will be punished. You’ve been warned

>"It seems so incredible to me that we have to do this, That we have to implore you — not just implore you, punish you — to get you to stop lying.”
The ulterior motive has been revealed. You will be punished for spreading fake news in the future. This court case will be used to jail you all.

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REal parents don't act like that, hoax confirmed

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>jesse was real
yuhuh, ok crazy lady

They know their time is running out.

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That's called a struggle session pinko.

All their bullshit over the years and they call a truth seeker a liar. Maybe there was a wmd in sandy hook or various incriminating laptops or a server with sensitive state info in sandy hook. Yup, Jessie must be real!

And then we can all clap?

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sandy vagina was fake

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I dont get why everyone is obsessed over Sandy Hook.
What makes it so different from any of the other dozens of school shooting the USA has every year?
Why is Jones so willing to die on that particular hill?

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You wouldn't get it.

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Technically they went after him. All his talk for years was pretty much ignored by establishment except when then sandyhook landmine was uncovered and thats when the deplatform hit

The parents are just salty they were exposed for laughing and smiling shortly after their precious child was supposedly murdered. If my little child was slaughtered by David Hogg I wouldn't be laughing it up with LE right afterwards.

Literally everything on that image is correct

Show trial
He is a CIA puppet, and this is a fake trial to keep people from coming out and telling the truth.

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>punish you
So much for freedom of speech.

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jones was not the first to call out how much it fucking glows

Here's a quality doc that got banned from jewtube.

>Why is Jones so willing to die on that particular hill?
He isn't trying to die on this hill. Jones says that sandy hook happened.

I'd just tell them to go fuck themselves.
You want to criminalize speech, thoughts, ideas?
I hereby decriminalize beating the ever loving fuck out of you and fucking the body.

Only *fully* semi-automatic fireakt0skrms are effective.

I believe the school shooting was real, I just know it was political to justify gun control.

Dox this woman.

I remember people talking about sandy hook and its supposed truth back in 2013 or 2014 already.
So it seems that among Americans besides Jones this killing had some special place, which I genuine do not quite understand
so why is he on trial for it?

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cancer rates across the globe have skyrocketed since the 90's.

granted it's not only the cell phone radiation, to act like he's saying something absurd is disingenuous looking at simple cancer stats.

Democrats want to abortion their kids, they will 100 percent kill kids to justify gun control.
You ass holes literally destroy anything and everything to justify your bullshit outlook on life.

Do it and I'll sit you down with my fingers wrapped around your throat, as I painstakingly explain why you're dying while the lights go out.

It's hilarious how many serial killers have a military experience.

Alex Mossad is just playing his role.
Obviously you can't be sued for saying that something with no proof never happened.

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I'd laugh right in that bitches face and tell her her fake son is in fake hell


she already doxed herself, just like every sandy hook parent she became a full time globohomo activist. She's also an actor.


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it is physically impossible that cellphone radiation has caused this however.
The energy per photon of those frequencies cannot break DNA bonds, which is required to cause cancer.
IF it would cause cancer, then visible light, which is not only thousands of times more energetic per photon but also thousands of times more intense, would cause cancer at correspondingly higher rates.
Essentially, if Cellphones would cause cancer, we would all die before reaching puberty because of the sun and its radiation

The skyrocketing cancer rates must therefore have another explanation

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absolutely ghoulish that these hebrews are using dead kids to rape the 1st amendment

i wish misfortunate upon all the parents that are suing him

yeah he changed his tune really fast and was very vocal about it. complete 180

>It is surreal what is going on in here
She's right, unintentionally. False flag cunt and the rest of her kind all need to go, but I legitimately pause before attempting to ponder how many of her kind there are in this country. They have faked so much I know it's at minimum in the thousands if not tens of thousands. But that's minimum.

well you can relax since no one died

I really miss Alex Jones being relevant. This will forever be my favourite clip from the 2016 election

Cancer is caused by trauma.
EMFs cause other stuff like headaches, sleep disorders, flu symptoms, ringing in ears.

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>I dont get why everyone is obsessed over Sandy Hook.
Because it was a lie and they didn't do a very good job covering up that fact. Their defensiveness demonstrates it's a massive lie and also reveals that they are very, very afraid of the consequences if enough people realize the truth and say fuck it, justice must be done.