Why is USA so divided, it's fucking huwhite americans also fuck all white americans


The non euro americans really are like vampires they can't see their own reflection or that in any way that they are the problem.

Also yet another example of why free speech is stupid and online people are assholes especially americans.

I can unequivocally say that the only problem with racism in USA or in the world right now is non europeans racist scum, it's a total fucking mistake that they sit and pick on europeans who are not even the slightest problem in this regard in comparison.

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Nobody on this planet is probably more racist than africans well apart from jews who are so religiously if they follow the talmud, this is the first problem.
Then like if you want to find the least racist people on planet it's probably the various european groups.

'oh fucking white people i'm glad they died in kentucky of that flood, fucking white people and republicans'.
Imagine saying that shit on social media, you don't have to imagine it. Imagine after hurricane katrina you go on social media or in news media and say "oh fucking good thing these stupid nigger democrats died"..

No you can't use this dumb board as strawman that need to be deleted anyways. This is way different, because it could be niggers themselves saying it (means black).
No it's going on social media, you got your picture your name your everything, you WANT everyone to know it's you who said it, and that you mean what you said. There's no fucking joke there when it's non anonymous, there's no satire excuse or anything.

everything on Any Forums is inadmissible since it's nothing but provocations and nonsense anonymous. But social med and media now you serious, now it's on the record you going on the fucking record.. Yes fucking dumb white people in kentucky i'm glad they fucking died cause they 'white' and 'republican'.

And these fucking scumbags for 7 years i have to hear and the rest of world have to hear these whiny bitches complain about how USA is divided and oh it's orange man fault. NO, it's your fault, 100% your fucking fault. What trump do than want to stop invasion of USA by restricting immigration somewhat? Yeah.. not bad at all if you look at it? What you do? go after every white american you can manage to paint a bullseye on!

If you lying shitweasel non american idiots want a justice and a reckoning it is all of you forced to go back to your own countries, and all your big countries reduced in size and territory and ressources given to people like mine. that's real justice.


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Why is it USA keeps talking about this multicultural experiment and e pluribus unum and what a paradise it is to smash every different race on the planet together, and then put restrictions only on euro americans and literally nobody else..
Why should they live in same society when they clearly don't like eachother? It's so fucking stupid it blows my mind, when you think it can't get any dumber and more evident that's precisely what it gets.

Like literally nothing of this is euro americans fault and it's the fault of literally every other ethnicity in USA as far as the evidence shows, that's what is SO FUNNY because the lie is said that it's other way around!

Globohomo sociology

Well it's not, this is just a scape goat for the non europeans who are the real issue along with some of the jews to deflect away from themselves. It's typical. After some racist niggers have been screaming about how they want to kill white people and want them to dissapear in USA, they will self same niggers when someone point out maybe it's these racist fucking niggers that are a huge part of this problem, they will say oh no don't go after us it's the jews..

No it's the jews (who are also non european) and every single non european ethnic group who have uncontrollable racism and narcisism and egotistical behaviour that think everything should be about what they fucking want no matter where they are. They invade entire countries via immigration system and only see things from their point of view.. they care nothing about the people in that country and what happen to them or how they feel about it.

Based danish autist thread

You wrote so much but understand so little. Read this post and you'll have the basics down at least. And lurk more you fucking newfag before you post again.

>Globohomo sociology
By globohomo do you mean multiethnic? Because also you can see in much smaller european countries than in USA it's exact same problem. It's actually become so pathetic that in like in the UK they copy paste the critical race theory into USA and the BLM stuff, just copy pasted from USA, so much that a less racist nigger but still invader, from nigeria, has joined the conservative 'tories' as they are called, and in this video is seen slamming a way more racist nigger about that british police is actually not USA police, and she doesn't live in USA, and this BLM stuff is in USA and not in britain, and that critical race theory does not apply to britain, nor even to USA, and its teaching is racial hatred against europeans accusing them of privilige as excuse to racially attack them.
This is the level of stupid we are on. Where the retarded immigrants in britain just take shit from USA and copy paste it into britain and talking about poulice broutality and all of this..
And british police is like well you've seen the videos, they'll send like 14 police officers to dogpile one nigger with a knife just to avoid killing him.

It's so stupid, these racist niggers and non europeans need to fuck off back to their gigantic countries if they can't stop being fucking genocidal racists against europeans. And even if they weren't lunatic racists they still need to fuck off quite a lot of those that have come the last 30 years, because there come too many. But that they do this shit on top of it is hilarious.

user you realise we are in the middle of a global race war? These people want us dead, they want our children raped and killed and they laugh about every misery inflicted on us.

Don’t expect some kind of fair treatment or sympathy from a subhuman shitskin, they will always act like this so instead treat them as they treat us.

>You wrote so much but understand so little.
Wrote less than you did in the post you linked.
>Read this post and you'll have the basics down at least. And lurk more you fucking newfag before you post again.
I totally understand all that idiot, a fucking 10 year old could do so instantly.
I've been here longer than you you dumb faggot, and the 'redpills' are nothing but lies and distractions. And a reductionist into always talking of jews and never doing something about the actual immigrants who do the damage, just because you scream that jew keep open the door. And trying to portray anti immigration sentiment as a nazism or extremism or something.
The only thing clowns like you benefit. Norway could become 80% arab and nigger and you still will be saying how jews is the problem instead of understanding that it's immigrants you actually have to stop and that without their participation willfully which they gladly do, nothing of that would occur.
You know nothing, and neither do most of this board, this board has been shit on purpose last 7 years faggot.


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Bw ause they need a civil war with 100 million dead.

Anything else solves nothing.

>user you realise we are in the middle of a global race war? These people want us dead, they want our children raped and killed and they laugh about every misery inflicted on us.
>Don’t expect some kind of fair treatment or sympathy from a subhuman shitskin, they will always act like this so instead treat them as they treat us.
That's exactly what i am fucking saying..
They come to britain and other places and say how british people should go away.

They are greedy assholes is what non europeans are, maliscious hateful racists and people, and totally self obsessed caring only about themselves even in countries that aren't their own.

They got huge fucking territories which is unfair to begin with that they have so much.. and then they do this. And then idiots keep talking about jews instead of the immigrants themselves who inflict the damage. The stupid jews keep the door open, it's what comes through the door that is the problem.
And the jews are idiots too, there only 15 million of them on the entire planet right now. As soon as these non europeans get higher demographic control, well let's face it, they are using the jews way more than jews are using them. Europeans are the ones who cuck to jews, others fucking don't give a shit.

So even for the stupid jews are non europeans the biggest issue in this regard. But jews don't realize this.

But whilst the jews enable them to do so by saying it's OKAY TO DO.. and enablilng all this propaganda, it's the non european racists and people that are the real problem. Both currently and historically these greedy people have most of earths ressources and territories..

>go after the symptom, not the cause
Now I know you're actually braindead or a jew shill.

Literally a jewish made division to pit races against each other so they can keep us preoccupied while they fuck us all over

Look how the moment pax americana is waning cause of euro americans being taken over by these other people who sit on them. Now china making move with taiwan, now russia making move with ukraine. All of this is the fault of these idiots too..

Cause this is the greed of the non europeans, they got gigantic territories, russia is nearly 2x size of europe, china is marginally smaller than all of europe just for han chinese.. The MOMENT they can get away with wanting more, now they making their fucking move. Whilst sitting in tiny european nations calling for the destruction of those people too.

You can argue pax americana was not very good for european countries, atleast how it was setup by crippling germany and also britain and france on behalf of USA by removing ore posessions in other countries which these tiny countries need for production and other people don't need whatsover in comparison, but the alternative that we see now, oh man that's way worse..
Everything you see in this shit also in the division of USA is the non europeans and niggers and jews fault.. It's OBVIOUS, they are the racist scum who constantly foment this garbage whilst only thinking of themselves.
And the reason they gone such insane now is that euro americans and also other european peoples said like, no we not going to stand for being talked to like that. And now they doubling down and trying to attack european ancestry people even more.. How you put that back in the box? you can't.. it's fucking done.. it's said and done, these non european assholes say way too much shit to even do that.

>Now I know you're actually braindead or a jew shill.
They are not the cause. Because jews open the door but there has to be some that go through it. I was right about you you will protect the immigrants and always blame the jew. The moment these muslims arabs and africans and whatever else go into norway, what they do? they lobby to bring more in, to islamize it to do all this.. The jew know that, this is why they know they just have to keep the door open, and then protect the immigrants and then immigrants also protect the jews.
You are an idiot completely. OR MORE SINISTERLY you are a fraud in here who KNOW this and want to misdirect away..
Keep the immigrants out and limit the amount severely and it matters almost nothing what jews otherwise do because demographically it wouldn't be changing anything!
ALWAYS THIS BAD FAITH WHERE YOU SAY DO NOTHING ABOUT THE IMMIGRANTS.. which leads precisely nowhere which is the point.

Kikes are malicious schizophrenic retards so they will do shit like sabotaging nations which protect their little memestate even if the loss of that protection will literally result in their genocide as the entire region hates them with the passion of a thousand suns and shitskins across the world just see kikes as white so they won’t be spared from getting targeted.

I hate all these groups and I hate the traitors that enable them even more.

>Literally a jewish made division to pit races against each other so they can keep us preoccupied while they fuck us all over
This is what is so funny you bad faith idiots.. It's the non europeans that are the problem with racism and everyone else, it's them invading the country. The jew itself is a minor neusance in comparison, who are hated because they KEEP THE DOOR OPEN, it's the fucking non european immigrants who do the rest dipshit! AND THEY TOO will say oh blame it on jew. What will niggers say when you say oh niggers should go back to africa. AH IT'S DA JEW that is causing niggers to hate euro americnas. HAHA no it's not hahaha.. They holding their hand over the racist nigger when they are racist, but it's cause niggers are racist maliscious pieces of shit. Same with the other groups.
And whilst jews certainly are just as racist as niggers to point where they probably share 1st place, jews are not a demographic issue.. they were never a demographic issue. They are the ones who LET THE INVADERS IN, but the invaders LET THEMSELVES IN TOO ones they get foot in the door..

This is how it is obvious it's so bad faith, you always protecting the people who invade you and blame it all on 7 million jews who simply nefariously open the door so they can say thank you let me come in and commence the invasion.. and go into politics and say more should come in and all this shit, and go into media and shame and guilt trip and manipulate population to do so and so..

Lmao we would be under attack by these creatures even if kikes didn’t exist.

You think niggers are as evil as they are because someone told them to be? No they get on exactly the same in Africa and would be just as they are today. All these cretins are full of jealousy and hatred as they are simply too stupid and violent to ever create what we have so they seethe in anger and desire to destroy instead.

>Kikes are malicious schizophrenic retards so they will do shit like sabotaging nations which protect their little memestate even if the loss of that protection will literally result in their genocide as the entire region hates them with the passion of a thousand suns and shitskins across the world just see kikes as white so they won’t be spared from getting targeted.
Sure, i can roll with that.. But jews are not a demographic problem. Some of the dumb shit they doing as you also point out is self defeating. But i don't really care too much about them. Cause whilst they need to be dealt with and stopped also, the more pressing issue is to stop the invaders coming in and the focus being on the immigrants themselves and what they fucking do which is extremely similar things to let more in.
The moment someone try to hold their hand over the immigrants that do all the ethnic, cultural, religious, racial or any other damage you want to talk of, this is clear it's in bad faith..
Because it's actually the immigrants bigger problem than jews in this regard. Because jews are not demographic taking over ANY country except maybe israel. There's almost no jews on the fucking planet..
So to hear some africans or arabs or whatever complain about that is THEY DEFLECTING AWAY FROM THEMSELVES..
Right, the arabs and niggers and whoever else will say go attack jews not us arabs and niggers who coming in and demographic changing the country no go attack the jews instead and ONLY JEWS and do nothing with immigrants.. Then if you go focus on jews the immigrant protect them like the backstabbing traitors they are. If you go after immigrants the jew protect them. They protecting eachother!