Anyone else high as fuck watching mark Felton?

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i subbed to him when he was at like 40k

for me, it's hermitcraft minecraft

i want to have sex with geminitay

I don’t speak German

You know Mark Felton is actually a convicted war criminal and rabid anti semite?

So is church hill what’s your point fuck face

Woah I tough you stoners were meant to be chill. You know weed makes you gay right?

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>mark Felton
nah I'm playing nioh 2


I smoke weed and am now leaving the thread refusing to elaborate.

Ha, see there we are. a weed-gay Australian.

It's not the estrogen in the water, it's weed? Haven't humans been smoking weed for a thousand years?

>Haven't humans been smoking weed for a thousand years?
And humans have been becoming gayer and gayer with each of those years. Now weed is promoted everywhere. Why? Because it turns people gay and keeps the white population down.

And yet no weed was needed to make you gay

It’s because they use carcinogenic pesticides and shit you fucking bong stop telling these kids weed makes them gay. Weed only makes you gay if you’re already a coomer and bored with traditional pussy so you view bussy like this bong over here loves which if you do that you’re a fucking weirdo

Look man I have used my brilliant superior intellect to do a deep dive on this subject and there are lots of forum and reddit posts and such like of people saying that smoking weed made them gay and or that they have gay thoughts while they are high. So really I mean there is plenty of evidence.

>forum and reddit posts
Go back

watching this rn

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Based I’m watching SS Commandos - Ardennes 1944

I knew you would say that but I had to go where the norms go. See these were normal people who became gay due to the weed. See I think the weed allows for people to become possessed by demons which cause the gayness. If you are smoking weed user I want you to stop doing that right now. You haven't been having any gay thoughts have you?? This is serious.