Why are black people so mean?

I'm nice to everyone. I'm a pizza deliver driver and black customers literally treat me like I'm a piece of shit and make disgusting comments about my appearance. I try to be a good liberal and treat everyone the same, but my life experience keeps that little seed of racism in the back of my brain alive. They never tip. Which I could accept if they just fucking treated me like a human. I get it, white people did a slavery. But what the fuck is up with the antisocial behaviour. just being shitty to a perfect stranger? No one else does that. Other minorities that have gone through insane shit historically don't do that.

My mom got pulled out of her car and beat up by a black woman in traffic and a bunch of black drivers just sat there and filmed it. She's like 60. Ever since then I haven't been able to hold back my feelings about this when they keep treating me and my family like we're garbage.

i dont normally use pol but i tried to google this to see if someone has actually like done a study on this without any inherent bias and i just got clearly edited results about how im bad for having these thoughts i wouldnt ever express in person.

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if i were a nigger id be mad too

POCs in general are mean. I don't know why, either.

my asian and hispanic neighbors arent like this. i love my hispanic neighbors. theyre nice as hell and treat me like family.

inferiority complex
theyre the black sheep in a white sheep world

its in their nature. for some reason we cant simply remove them. if a nigger so much as looked at my mom the wrong way id be at his corner that night with the bump stock on gunning down any pavement ape in sight

i wasnt there. shes fine physically now but it seriously fucked her up and took the life out of her. she went from a confident middle aged woman to a sad old one instantly because she stopped feeling safe in public and i cant blame her

Lol you really don’t know why?

and what do you plan to do about it? nigs kill nigs on the corner every day in drive bys and dont get caught. food for thought. sorry about your mom

idk what i was looking for here other than just fucking saying it out loud to someone. i was raised to treat everyone the same and this specific group of people does not treat me and the people i love how they would like to be treated, over and over, for my entire life... i live in a poor area of florida and went to schools where i was the minority as a white person. ive never had a problem with a before they had one with me.

I’m sorry to hear this happened to you. I was a victim of three hit-and-run drivers last year, all black. All perfectly documented by my dash cam but the police didn’t give a fuck. I was also attacked by three niggers in the parking lot of a hotel, I would’ve loved to have stayed to fight them but then I would’ve been told I should have left and charged with a crime for defending myself. The cops also did nothing about that. I recorded everything. Well, they did take my phone and illegally search it and make fun of me. I spent the next six months eating ice cream. Still trying to climb out of the hole. Fucking niggers.

stick around and youll learn real quick. you literally cant even hint about such thoughts anywhere else, so youll be back. weird it too you so long to notice

try posting your questions when the west isnt asleep

That's a guy btw.

Why so many tranny/trap op's today?

Every day I wake up and thank the lord he didn’t make me a nigger.

its less it took me so long to notice and more i tried to force the thought down my entire life until it kept coming up almost every day.

My spic neighbors are too nice it’s creepy. They always invite me to their carne asada parties. Niggers never invite me to anything.

That is actually a man

Are you real? How can you be so sheltered in your life? Did you just meet niggers for the first time this year?

Wtf are you babbling about now

top result for pizza delivery guy and i fucked up the ableist captcha trying to use a teenage mutant ninja turtle

Flips are pretty generous. People say their kindness and hospitality is too put on, idc, they can talk shit in their awful language if they want, just be kind in my language.

niggers are low iq subhumans.

to call them human at all is being disingenuous. they are homo erectus.

erectus walk among us.

i spent my entire life trying to not be racist because i was taught it was a bad thing. is it really so hard to believe someone could just genuinely be befuddled by other people's lack of decency? it didnt come up until what happened to my mom + this job.

They're niggers

Just wait for some webm thread of nogs doing their brutal assaults or murders. You will not understand Any Forums till you lurk a few years. Place isn’t insane, some posters are.