Blackpill me on Paul

Even though he rote a majority of the New Testament, why do some hardcore schizo conspiracy theorists equate him with being like the antichrist? Why is the guy's theology wrong?

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it is not wrong, clearly

he invented christianity, lmao
before it was just a little kike sect

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Some of Paul's writing is difficult to understand. Don't worry about it though. You don't have to believe in Paul to get to heaven, just Jesus.

because they are both retarded theologylets and birdbrained lummoxes who cannot into history and textual analysis. the Pauline letters, which contain pre-Pauline material, are debatably even more theological than John

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he was a liar and corrupted the religion jesus taught

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because they have to cope to support their presuppositions

Sometimes he just sounds annoying, that’s about it.

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Gnosticism and Mohammedanism are cancer and pure blue pill.

show flag abdul

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He was a Roman agent who invaded a new, blooming Jewish sect founded by Jesus and run by James, Jesus' brother.

>are debatably even more theological than John
Another John? For Christ’s sakes.

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refute his arguments. oh wait. you cant. /thread

This is true, also jesus was not an immortal. Read the kolbrin bible

Correct. I heard about this from YT rabbis, they think he was a roman glownigger, and whole thing was an antikike psyop.

>virgin saul creates a religion out of another man he serves
>chad Mohammad declares himself prophet, flies to the moon and raids caravans with camels

Jesus will live rent free in your head forever, better get used to it.

>believing rabbis

>World`s final is kike ownership anyway.

I believe in their butthurt against romans.

He is so busy floating round space he can't live in my head.

Apostle Paul preached the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and he actually preached the gospel to a lot of people and many people that believed on Jesus got saved and became Christians as a result. the devil probably still feels angry about that and his anger gets expressed through demon possessed false prophets, that would be my guess. if you pay attention to people attacking apostle paul, you'll often find that they are the ones that believe and preach works based salvation. well the bible doesn't teach works based salvation, salvation is by faith only.

watch this short gospel video if any user wants to be 100% sure of going to heaven after you die. it's very easy to be saved from hellfire and the gospel gives you full assurance of your salvation if you believe it.

the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ:

catholic hocus pocus - a sermon exposing the heretical practices of the roman catholic church which has been subverted by the devil a long time ago

'Once Saved Always Saved' - a MUST WATCH sermon for people doubting their salvation

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Oh shit here we go again. Retarded shizoleaf, ladies!

The only people who disavow Paul are ignorant Muslims, even though their own texts state he was a man sent by Allah.
They are butthurt because Paul's epistles elaborate on the divinity of Christ already explained in the Gospel's, and prove their Satanic cult to be false.

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nope, those are parasites retard, better get you health under control or perish.

>Even though he rote a majority of the New Testament
Nonsense, Paul's epistles were almost certainly written by Marcion of Sinope, not Paul himself.

>pic not related

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hey robert. glad to see you still alive bro. please get you health under control bro.

Marcion was born decades after Paul’s death

He took Peter hostage in order to write the Epistle to the Romans..Peter said, in Christ WAS the Lord.. Paul changed the witness of Peter, to Christ IS the Lord.. this apostasy formed the basis of a murdering criminal Catholic Church.. he also made up the story of the Gerosene Demoniac, where he conceals Justus' knowledge of Plato, and his seeking of the Philosopher King. For it was widely known, that Rabbi Justus also read in Greek.. This is why Justus of Nazareth was made to wear a wreath upon the cross.. because Justus of Tiberias in his book titled "The Wreath", had written of Plato's oration before the Courts of law.. Authentic followers of Justus will always deny the writings of Paul the Apostate.

You need to understand what "faith" in the deity that Jesus talks about actually means.
Salvation means being saved from the Masonic destruction of Earth, which Jesus alerted celestial authorities to 2000 years ago (we are a long way from any civilized star system)
Having faith that he will succeed in getting some of the Human population off the planet before its destruction is sufficient. One does not have to actively participate in Earth's salvation, although many of us find ourselves unable to not.

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That book is written by a literal Jewish cuck