Now I honestly think the feds are after me. No lie.

Attached: BC2878A3-202A-46CE-ABD6-959178F1481B.png (960x2079, 737.1K)

Other urls found in this thread:


yea, i was there. it was real. probably a good thing though OP

what was the tl;dr? They were patsy dupes or actually did it?

Attached: 911 insider jannied.png (3777x1468, 1.07M)

Is there a way to look it up with the thread link I posted. I’m not typing all that shit again.

But I’ve been browsing this site since 2006 and now I officially can say feds drawl this site up and down and mods truly are faggots for removing the information I was releasing. If I can’t release it here, then where????

Maybe you should use a few VPNs before you think about posting here. The mods probably did you a favor.

OP be smart and tell your friends and family your are not suicidal.

I was just wondering this myself user. I can't imagine the possibility or odds of living in the same building as a real Islamic terroris. I Just went to check back in, as I'm getting ready for bed.

I'm gonna call it a night, maybe you can post again after a good night's sleep? We'll be able to discuss it better when we are rested. Mods will just delete it again tonight anyways.


have you tried myspace?

The fuck are you doing telling us this shit you're going to catch heat if you're not careful

Any Forums is not a whistleblowing website, there are plenty of ways to leak information, but Any Forums is the last website you should use.

I just called my dad and my wife is here next to me. I’m not leaving my house anytime soon. I honestly dudnt think I was exposing anything that wasn’t already known. And big deal if I actually saw the dancing Israeli video. Its a retarded video of a bunch of effeminate looking fags jumping up and down.

Go to someone trustworthy who can maintain your anonymity.
Go to someone trustworthy who can maintain

Every Muslim is an islamic terrorist waiting to happen.

Yeah, because the mods deleting a post kills all traces of it and on the fed mirror server too.

You should write up your entire story, and post it on the blockchain, there are a few anonymous ones, you can slap a message to some of these, and then link the message.

Blockchains are permanent repositories that self-replicate, it's impossible to delete anything on them.

They're not going to kill you but they might grill your ass with extremely pointed questions.

Yeah, that didn't work so well for McAfee. OP should be running

Oh btw its known the Israeli Mossad creates many of the radical jihadi cells in the ME using Arab country born Jews who look Arab and speak fluid Arabic then inflame Islamic passion is disenfranchised youth to do crazy things for Allah that end up benefiting Israel.

Thank you. The thread was just starting ti get juicy too.



The last speech moot gave about leaving Any Forums all makes perfect sense to me now. He knew him giving up the keys meant it was becoming open season for feds. Don’t make the same mistake I did, anons. I didn’t use a VPN.

It’s unlikely that what I discussed should get me in prison but you never know.


>Maybe you should use a few VPNs
kek if story is true, he doxxed himself already with the picture of the motel

I’ll look into it because there is so much more I didn’t post. Like I said, I do want to make a video disclosing everything I know/remember. I just realized this probably gets us dangerously close to finding out the 100% truth of that fateful day and I’ll be honest: I didn’t really realize how insane all of this is until some autistic research user posted a Wikipedia article of the guy I was talking about. I had no fucking clue this guy was still even alive.

Attached: partyvan.jpg (640x512, 101.33K)


its funny though every Muslim I've ever met has literally be the opposite of this.

Make a tiktok telling this stuff while dancing something stupid. I'm not kidding.

It was an apartment complex and I haven’t lived there for 20 years.

Write down a script and record a video. I don't know where you could post it where it would stay up. Odysee maybe? Definitely not YouTube.

nah, jannies saw you posting ids with timestamp. also, they're jealous of niggers tongue-ing your anus.

remember when congressman bought airline puts days in advance of 9/11 and also leaked this information to banksters xd. imagine all airline stock activity being 80% puts before 9/11 memoryholed since 2006

Yea, because they're playing nice. Deep down inside they want to kill you and your family.

kek. that's true. or a youtube with ragtime songs on piano while just singing all of this

Could be that the mod's saw this as a doxxing attempt and they deleted the thread. Next time post the thread without the info that appeared to be a doxxing attempt.

Shit, that's genius. That will get the message out faster than anything.

You think your VPN provider won't hand over your credit card info when the feds ask for it?

You wouldve never expected these people to have one angry bone in their body. Even my racist marine father who especially hated Muslims didn’t even suspect these guys.

>paying for a vpn

>who planned this out? Did the CIA/FBI know about it and allow it to happen?
lucky larry did an insurance job
>did the CIA/FBI help them plan it?
probably, but the dancing Israelis had more of a role.
>why actually secretly train people in flight schools if the planes were indeed drones?
cover story

Attached: 1630633569530.jpg (480x549, 42.81K)

Trannie jannie get ze rope first

Attached: 359E98A4-F084-486E-B8DC-7B1FB052226C.jpg (1024x571, 105.74K)

and which free VPN do you post on Any Forums with?

talk about hte wrong thing,..... Any Forums is basically reddit you cant even say "50y 80i"

you can say nigger jew kike gook but Any Forums banned the word S O Y B O Y.

whatt the literal fuck,.....
