China's rocket failed to work and crashed into the ocean

>Still can't into space program

NASA stated that Beijing disturbingly declined to share the “specific trajectory information” needed to know where possible debris from its Long March 5B rocket might fall back to Earth.

In 2020, pieces of a similar Chinese rocket booster fell on a village in Côte d’Ivoire, a country on the southern coast of West Africa, causing some property damage but no injuries. The orbital path of that booster took it over the United States, meaning it was possible for some debris to have rained down on Americans.

Though an uncontrolled crash of a 23-ton Chinese rocket is potentially very dangerous to people on the ground, the refusal to share information about the trajectory of debris still in space could be even more dangerous, as uncontrolled space debris can potentially cascade in what scientists call the Kessler syndrome. Although it’s not clear whether parts of the Chinese rocket remain in space, scientists estimate that such a crash could generate so much debris in orbit that mankind’s ability to safely access space would be jeopardized for generations to come.

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I saw that anime Planetes before, they didn't disclose it was the chinks leaving all the space debris but it makes sense now.

>build their own national space station
>dump on other nations in the process
Chad move.

Can people really not discern what's propaganda?

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What kind of niggertier chink cope is this. That rocket indeed crashed - uncontrollably - through the atmosphere.

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China has their own modern Space Station, meanwhile the ISS is destined to burn up in the Earth's atmosphere within the next 5 years. Hell China will go to the Moon before the U.S or maybe the U.S goes back first with a crew full of women and niggers. Not looking too hot for NASA right now.

There is a difference between a fully staged rocket that doesn't burn up and a upper stage that does you fucking mutt nigger.

The ISS is reaching the end of its service life you fucking chink.
NASA will be back on the Moon before China, the first launch in the Artemis program will be happening very soon in fact.

These people have no idea about rockets. That was just the booster that burned up in the atmosphere and dropped in the middle of the ocean. Basically the same thing everyone does

>What kind of niggertier chink cope is this. That rocket indeed crashed - uncontrollably - through the atmosphere.

as intended after it had done its job

too be fair rocket science is literally a meme because of how often they fail crash and or explode. with competent reliable people making a genuine effort..

God damn chinese rockets must be hilarious loony toons mess of explosions.

>These people have no idea about rockets.

They know exactly what they're doing. The average clueless normie walks away thinking China's rocket failed and debris will potentially harm the public, while China selfishly refuses to share information about the trajectory of debris.

Lol just look up. When it is coming down your way then just step aside, simple as.

Even the most successful rockets are not as reliable as a passenger jet obviously, but considering that they're fucking rockets it's pretty impressive.

>China can't get it up
bunch of limpdick beta trannies

>share estimations of orbital paths of junk and aim for areas without living
>Share when it'll fall
>Help collect it at times
>No we won't tell where or when it will land. Figure it out yourself
>It's your problem not ours.
Yeah.. Exactly the same..
China is like that retard kid in class. Always asks and demands help but never helps back.

Enjoy being wrong

>China will go to the Moon before the U.S
who's gonna tell him

Spacex is a meme and china absolutely knows where their rockets are. If they didnt, there would be no way in hell they could pull of an orbital rendezvous. And if you know where your rocket is, you can absolutely predict its landing. The world figured out how to do that 60 years ago and its only gotten easier. Just because they dont feel like telling you doesnt mean this is a "crash" or "uncontrolled". Stop listening to jewish propoganda

yeah theyll get to the moon only 60 years after us.. maybe. you dumb fucking faggot