Genuine question to Taiwanese Citizens

Is the U.S. just using Taiwan as a "chess piece" against China. Are they profiting off fake "protection" and making it seem like China is a threat to Taiwan?

I have a Taiwanese friend who insists that this is the case and that China will never attack Taiwan because China is profiting too much off of the business in Taiwan.

However, everywhere I go and people I talk to (in U.S. from smart and people in well respected positions) are very concerned that there will be an invasion into Taiwan from China and that they are only waiting for the right moment.

Currently, the U.S. is at its weakest form (economy, broke, is noongee too far ahead in military technology) and it's possible China is flexing their muscles now.

While playing poker, I was talking to a random Taiwannese citizen and another Chinese native and they both say that the only reason China is not taking over Taiwan in the last 50 years has been because of the US protection and they do fear it can happen in the next 10 years.

I honestly don't know what to believe anymore, my Taiwanese friend who has family traveling back and forth fro. Taiwan so they are likely to be more informed of the situation than we are.

Are we being fooled by western propaganda making most of the world think that China will attack Taiwan?

Somebody please elaborate. I am of the belief that China generally wants to take over as much land as possible. This philosophy is embedded in their Art of War book. Their heroes of the past are the ones that successfully united all of China and made them a big country.

It is believed that the root of their goals is to "take over the world" as much as possible because whoever succeeds at that will be regarded as heroes in the future.

Please correct me if I am wrong here and elaborate on this as I, and maybe the rest of the west are incredibly confused by the situation. Thanks!!

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>disingenuous question to VPN shills and expat larpers*

Not sure what you mean by this honestly.

Overwhelmingly your replies, if any, will be from VPN shills and expats who are out of touch with the nuances of the Taiwan situation. You've set up the prompt in such a way that any replies from Taiwan flags might seem legitimate.

Maybe if you stopped typing like a predditor, you'd get a serious answer

No, both Ukraine and Taiwan are sacrificial chess pieces that the US can afford to lose. Their purpose is to inflict as much damage to China and Russia so as to make them think twice about upending the Anglo world order.

We can care less about Taiwan and Ukraine, they're not white anyway.

Well at their best, China will take Kinmen in a fast land grab.
Then that's it.
Any US politic parties who against sending US military at this point will lost all their politic powers.
Which will accerating Japan's military growth et cetera.
Will they attack?
Yes, and they have to cause their inner stress on a lot of issues are surfacing.
Can they grab Taiwan?
Kinmen? Yes.
Orchid Island? Maybe.
Taiwan the island? No way fag.

>China already blockade Taiwan
For how long?
This action not just further the will of Taiwanese against unification, it will further piss globohomo for trading reasons.
But China have to do it, they need to put on a show for their lower caste to avoid a complete riot in China.
Oh yeah, no gotta post my passport, but you guys can guess where I'm from based on my engrish.


Not taiwanese, but lived there a long time.
Taiwanese folks are delusional and believe everything will be fine, as they're one people and china wouldn't hurt chinese people, and it wouldn't be worth the risks to their economy.
They're fools.

China will attack in around 18-20 months, earlier if the US appears extraordinarily weak (if pelosi didn't go they'd have initiated in a couple weeks, along with most of asia).

China is waiting, as it knows the US is crumbling, and once it's clear the US administration even accepts that they'll move to take all of East-asia and south-east asia, likely starting with Taiwan. It's not a matter of US protection, it's simply a matter of them waiting to be able to blitz rapidly without disruption. The war(s) will end within weeks of them starting, and china will utterly crush any resistance when they do it.

They will attack in due time, once the USA clearly bends the knee. Death to the CCP

Taiwan can defend themselves for years. The Chinese have to deal with a combination of both Vietnam and Afghanistan in terms of terrain. It would be hard to subdue even if they threw waves and waves of chinks at them.

Attached: taiwanam.jpg (1024x683, 307.55K)

One more point to add.
They have to attack while Biden and Harris are in office.
Cause they can't get a better chance than this.

America literally does not care about the fate of the people of Taiwan. Taiwan will inflict mass casualties on the Chinese, and then fall, after which China will be hobbled by the ordeal. Taiwan will be in ruins, and China will have to pay for fixing it.

The West does not care about the fate of non-white nations. We are not your ally, Taiwan is nothing more than a sacrificial vassal state pawn, like Ukraine.

Shill thread at best.

Taiwan Chinks are not "freedom fighters" or "rebels". Most chinks will flee like rats, and the military will probably fall apart in 6 months after being cut off from world trade. Taiwan imports pretty much everything, it will not survive when it is cut off from trade.

They will inflict plenty of casualties on the PLA, but Taiwan would be in ruins, not that we care anyway. So as long as the PLA has 100,000 dead, it would be worth it.

US caring or not doesn't take away they'd fund today, verses be incapable in due time. China will be very bold and just walk right on in, when the time is right, and not even attack unless taiwan does.

If taiwan does, which knowing taiwanese people they wouldn't, as they'd just be outraged and are generally cowards, they'd (CCP) simply strike every single infrastructure point in the country and mass-occupy the western coast within days.
Taiwan would almost certainly not be very heavily damaged. The only issue would be cleaning the military out of the caverns and caves in the center/east of the island. drones would make fine work of it

Well you guys forgot the best defense Taiwan have.
They just announced that if there are any harms happened to Taiwan, they will cease all exports.

When the chink army reaches TSMC, those machines would be triggered to self-destruct. The chink will gain nothing from taking over Taiwan.

taiwan, specifically taiwan semiconductor manufacturing company TSMC makes a huge portion of the worlds computer chips. apple processors, nvidia graphics cards, intel cpus, pretty much all companies outsource chip fabrication to tsmc. this is the number one economic reason the u. s. supports taiwan

due to the global chip shortage and the 2021 chips act many of these companies will be subsidized by the u. s. government to open chip fabs in the u. s. this will weaken the u. s. dependence on taiwan and make our relationship more political than economic

You fools know nothing of what you speak about.
China wants taiwan not for chips, but to deprive the west of chips. It's the same as Russia with Ukraine, they didn't want Ukraine, or benefit from Ukraine, they just wanted to make the west struggle for food/resources/etc and inflate their currencies further.

most people here dont think china will attack taiwan, the reason is because china is coward, they won't dare (just like yesterday), all they do is just some hollow threat. and all those thing like Military exercises is just scare tatic. only the more pro unifaction people think china will attack, they think china always look us as part of them, it is tragedy to fight a civil war that only hurt chinese as a whole, so china will not attack, as long as there are still a slim hope of a peaceful unifcation.

>Chang already in damage control

>but to deprive the west of chips.
The dutch sell the chip making machines

Yeah it's a well known fact that TSMC factories will be destroy if shit happen.

You are the fool here.
The chips will never be China's at the first place, this is a warning to globohomo to send their zog bots to protect Taiwan or risk at losing all their precious chips.

chinas strength is its trade right now. I dont see them invading taiwan. They would at least need regional supremecy, but even then why bother if they are benefiting from trade with taiwan and putting puppets in taiwan gov slowly taking it over? I dont know whats going on but i dont think they want to invade taiwan i think they will conquer it through economic and political means.

It seems like you have a similar viewpoint as my buddy. So it is a portion of Taiwanese population that holds this view and another portion that believes the western propaganda narrative. Overall, nobody truly knows what is going on?

Nigger you need to meet more China cunts.
Their males are bloodlust cause they are having a bad bad time.
They want to rape and conquer Taiwan cause they are angry that most Taiwanese are doing better than them.

Wow, you wrote all that text but I didn't even read it.

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