Why do you want to kill innocent Jews...

Why do you want to kill innocent Jews? Can you really look a Jew like her in the eye and tell her she belongs in an oven?

Attached: Negev sad.png (2125x3000, 2.52M)


No she belongs to me Males go to oven but females get breed out!

Attached: polpleasestop6.png (520x651, 66.62K)

Jews are fine, but not tranime.

But shes so cute!

Attached: negevhand.jpg (480x639, 53.55K)

Ngl, it is weird to picture an anime girl saying shit like "goy" and "oy vey".

Negev is built for my Arab cock!

I don’t. I feel bad because their subversion hurts them, so I wish I could just help one

How about this?

Attached: negevpropose.jpg (1024x707, 120.25K)

I love my enemies because they give my life a meaning. I would fuck negev first before the showers.

cartoons arent cute you are a child

should have made her actually jewish looking.

Yeah that's weird too. I also feel like I should be reading her voice in some sort of accent but my brain can't think of one.

How about this then?

Attached: gfthatecho.jpg (799x358, 56.42K)

Sneed sells feed and seed, which is completely normal. Chuck, on the other hand, sells fuck and suck.

oh, i forgot this. did you know this gif can banish jews up to level 10 back to the negative energy plane?

Attached: gacha autism.gif (500x557, 3.98M)

No i cant and that's the worst thing they made to me

Attached: latest.jpg (220x288, 11.99K)

How could you bully her like this?

Attached: polpleasestop9.jpg (1024x1024, 100.36K)

You bet. All of them. All of them.

lmej, we have to go back further m80. to the age of dinosaurs

Attached: happy merchant.jpg (640x480, 91.11K)

the question is, how do I make her go bamboo mode and push an overbearing Jewess in my direction? I can definitely resist pushiness, but how to channel that into her bending to me I’m not sure

>innocent Jews
Oxymoron. No such thing as "innocent" jew.

I think jews are kinda based. Their methods are "morally questionable" maybe, but looks like it works. I'm not really happy that it works though.

you can kill american jews, you got my permission.