Kari Lake is losing

So that's it? MAGA is done? Or are Arizonans still salty Trump hated McCain?

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had a former close friend from preoria az who i slowly stopped interacting with throughout the years.
years later when i reestablished contact it turns out he had tried and successfully gotten a congressional aid position and was moving to dc. i should have known he was a fag from the get go, there were signs everywhere that retroactively speaking i should have spotted.

He won Arizona right after talking shit about McCain in 2015.

That was before a swarm of Californians moved into Arizona from 2017-2020 and brought their voting in with them


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Yeah we're still salty about it and I'm starting to like Pelosi after today

THis election was obviously rigged. I got mailed a fake ballot and the polling place had "technical issues" for 4 fucking hours today. Yeah please tell me how I should keep voting though

Not gonna lie, former Lake voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Lake crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this girl get the nuclear codes.

This is the safest securest election in American history. Cope more, chud.

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did you forget the VPN, Juan? Or are you a mutt also named Juan who forgot to turn off his VPN?

i'm fine with the republican party losing every election from now on, if they choose to go against TRUMP and the MAGA agenda. i don't want romney/bush/mccain tier republicans. i'd rather have democrats.


>Yeah please tell me how I should keep voting though

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Who you calling Juan, fat boy?

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arizonaans are slow at counting. the results won't be final until the end of the week probably

She's a phony. As soon as all those tranny pics came out she was done. But I don't think the other lady is any better. Trump endorsed Kari Lake and Pence, and a bunch of establishment Republicans, endorsed the Karrin Robson.

AZ has an open primary don't they? So if democrat voters think that Kari Lake will be tough to beat, they vote in the primary for the other turd candidate that they think they can beat later on. Some states require that you pick a party preference.

im even more disappointed in china after today

AZ election officials stole the election from Trump, what made you think they wouldn't do it to Kari Lake?

Literally nobody in Arizona likes mccain, we told his fat whore of a daughter to fuck off, fucking songbird traitor piece of shit, I'm glad he's dead.

Any updates?

Kari will win

Insha'allah colonel.

Bros I'm just getting back to normal since the 2020 election fucked my head up. Don't do this to me

Given how shit some of his picks have been lately this is probably deserved.