The Global Government does not want you to have kids. That's it

The Global Government does not want you to have kids. That's it.

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I say therefore to the unmarried and widows, It is good for them if they abide even as I.
1 Corinthians 7:8 KJVAAE

well i cant afford them so it's not really a topic of relevant discussion for me, but I hate them for other reasons so good luck with your thread

You're right, and that alone is enough reason to have a family. Also, those amazing tits, wow. Quality, Hungbro.

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why not just be like indians and take punani at will? what are these women gonna do? stop you?

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Based global government. My genes are garbage and are definitely not worth passing on. If I somehow managed to reproduce, my kid would probably live a miserable existence.

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Based. I don’t want you dumb motherfuckers to breed either.

>well i cant afford them so it's not really a topic of relevant discussion for me, but I hate them for other reasons so good luck with your thread
And why do you think we can't afford kids

>wearing bra underneath
ruined. delete this thread then yourself

I am not going to have children until rape is legal, artificial womb is present, or just having the possibility to pay to have sex that ends in impregnating the women and me leaving. I will not be a fucking house nigger who has to take care of the bitch who will get fat and screaming sperm from my balls. You can disagree, that's fine, however if you disagree there is a 100% chance that you are a house nigger.

>can't afford
Children are not expensive. What you mean is you can't afford your faggot lifestyle and a child. When you have children, you won't care about your faggot lifestyle. Poor people everywhere have many children, they prioritize it.


Most based post on this site right now.

Built for BBC

Gee, I wonder who could have bad genes and want to discourage normal people from having healthy families. . .

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I was a sensitive guy with social anxiety, so I turned to online for human interaction.
I ended up on Any Forums and eventually got brainwashed into jacking off to blacked porn because of the repitition conditioning here.
Now I'm a ruined person who hates myself and can't form sentimental connections to anything anymore. I recently saved up for a gun and am getting it soon, when I do I'm killing myself. I'll be 33 years old when I die. Thank you for reading the story of my life.



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degenerates like you belong on a cross

and no, retard. men will stop you. And it will be very painful ( 4 u )


>poor ppl know how to prioritize
True and fake at the ssme time

My advice after having a child is not to have a child until you are financially stable enough to live away from negroes and globohomo. Having a child and living in any blue area is negligence.

>I will not be a fucking house nigger who has to take care of the bitch who will get fat and screaming sperm from my balls.

Sad commentary on the kind of quality you can pull. If you weren't a loser you'd have a tradwife making you a sandwich right now.

And artificial wombs have Jewish noseprints all the fuck over them. They'll probably build them to play subliminal diversity messages to the fetuses to fight racism at the source.

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Poltards can't breed regardless of that the government wants. The only pussy they can access is SEA monkey or other shitskin looking for a green card

wrong! they want you to make mixed babies.

I agree, if you are brown and ugly, you shouldn't reproduce, especially in white countries.

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going to need a source OP.

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or, you know, just move away from blue libshit areas now. you'll save money immediately.

have children as soon as you find a woman you care about and whom you'd want to have as a daughter.

>least mentally ill white male

>Reverse psychology trying to get Any Forums to go outside and have sex
nice try buddy but I'm not falling for it

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Fuck you. That is in the context for being a very dedicated preacher.

This, black and brown babies get all the subsidies they can squeeze out of productive whites