Quick rundown on what is happening with China ?

I was living under a rock for a couple of days.

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Tight cooters and cheap scooters.

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liveleaks and shitstreaks

>Chinks don't want Pelosi's granny titties in Taiwan because they think it's theirs
>Pelosi goes anyway
>Chinks bitch about it on social media
>MSM plays it up as "rising tensions between the two nations"
>Is literally a bunch of Chinamen complaining on Twitter

That's it.

It proved once and for all that China will forever remain a paper tiger. Hell, I don't really know why anons were hyping this up. Look at the past history of China, they have lost just about every single major conflict. Hell, just look at that China/India brawl that happened at the border.

"An ant has no quarrel with a boot"

Did they fire at her plane or something ?

This. And garbage products being made.

No, China organized some flight time and no fly zones as a way of pressuring/spooking Taiwan that listening to America is bad news and will lead to bad things happening

Thank you, sir.


They instead of acting on their multiple military threats decided to, and I mean this literally, ban cookies. Showing themselves to be the paper tiger everyone knew they were.

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China beat India in a war a few decades ago.

China cucked like a bxtch, but they didn't get as big as they are by twiddling their thumbs.

IKR, China got slapped into place by 'skeletor with a set of tits'

That is a real photo, and those are real booba, thats Anri Okita.

>China beat India in a war a few decades ago.
40's? 50's? 60's? 70's? 80's? 90's? 00's? 10's? 20's?
>It never happened chong

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1962. China gained land after defeating India quickly: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sino-Indian_War

People forget, Mao was an extremely good military leader. Defeated ROC with huge population and funding disadvantage, held to a draw with the USA in conventional warfare, and took over Tibet.

I don't agree with the man's politics, but he was the last non-pussy leader of China, and a hell of a military strategist.

>America didn't acknowledge commies as a legit government so they said Taiwan was China (Taipei being China's center of power)
>Mutts realized there was money to be made with commies so they said Taiwan was China (center of power being in Beijing)
>They tried to infiltrate and subvert with Olympics and shit hoping to globalize China. And they got played hard. Turns out new Chinese government, while commies, still use the skeleton of imperial China because eh, it worked. Which means howaito piggu go homu and no globalism, just China playing to be the center of the world until it starts a civil war or something every 300 years. As usual.
>America turned Taiwan into a proxy colony with no will of its own. A grim reminder that this would have happened to all of China if mutts had had their way.
>So they agreed that China is Taiwan, then that Taiwan is China, then that muh freedom while turning Taiwan into a cuck state.
>Pelosi visiting Taiwan is mutts saying "lol that didn't happen" and Americans breaking their own word yet again. Bear in mind that according to Americans a few decades ago this was a literal invasion of Chinese soil and sovereignty. Not even kidding. This is a provocation that could escalate into war if China is dumb enough to take the bait.
And now the final redpill
>This is not war. But Pelosi's trip is some shitty make up for American economy in a very short term. It also gives China another excuse to keep waging economic war, which they don't need because they are winning.

You are correct Spanishbro. Thanked and saved

> Mao was an extremely good military leader

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I hate when women wear makeup, your beautiful just the way you are and don't have to change yourself for me i know others may not agree with me but Asian women without makeup on are hot and not because of just looks alone but the fact she's that confident in herself and trusts me to take a liking in her beauty

If you're a woman reading this asian, white, black, latina etc. You're beautiful just the way you are don't change yourself for no body be you

Big boobers and tasty booters.

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Go back under that rock. Fuck you.