Bros we’re fucked. Kansas just voted to keep abortions legal. The US is going NPC and turning to moloch. Fuck jews

Bros we’re fucked. Kansas just voted to keep abortions legal. The US is going NPC and turning to moloch. Fuck jews

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who cares?

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I'm orthodox, I'm all for it. I'll tell you why? The sciences that god has lay out for us in stem cell research outweigh the risk of sin.

Damn bro, we are really fucked! Am I right fellow guys???

You can't be serious. Either you're literally retarded or worse, you're shilling this poorly.

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Are you telling us negroid babies shouldn't be allowed to get aborted?

That baby is black

>alcohol and fake nails
Baby is fucked.

Abortion access is important for child welfare. The average abortion-seeker already has kids and is trying to have a smaller, better protected family. Culture has been remiss in failing to present this.

Note however, abortion isn't going to affect IRL obesity rates. Please. Magnify abortion access as much as you can. It ain't gonna make thin people more genetically successful. It's just gonna make abusers less genetically successful. The obesity crisis happened during a global decline of child abuse. Skinny people throughout history were BAD for their kids.

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Do you support moloch and jews?

Do you support basketball Americans?

The answer to Roe v Wade is literally pic rel.

You want to prevent something from living, do it the hard way.

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No but I also dont support sacrificing children to the jew’s false god

I don't see how that's related.

When every white woman's shit is wrecked from popping out Tyronelets, maybe you'll start to question how just your God is.

Sacrificing a child, even a black child, does the jew’s bidding. I wouldnt agree to have monkeys sacrificed to moloch nor will I agree to negroids being sacrificed

Ever heard of miscegenation laws?

Probably would have passed if they allowed abortions for when the mother's life is in danger.

Just proves that the Republicans needs to keep the christcucks out of the abortion issue.

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Everything. EVERYTHING. And I mean everything, is rigged now. Enjoy the show.

I don't understand why this wasn't included, so weird

Based Orthobro

They wanted it to fail to make a statement

This is a good hypothesis. I don't think democrat politicians even care about gun control either (hence their ridiculous demands), they just push it to gain some voters. Obviously elites would rather no one own firearms but their first priority is helping the uber rich like themselves.

Could be worst. Could be like china and pussied out in front of the world.

what do you think leaving iraq was?

Well half. Why do people act that whenever a white person mates with a non white the white genes simply dissappear. I've seen multiracial people mixed with European DNA. They obviously have white DNA and that never goes away. I knocked up a Hispanic girl with brown skin and our baby had super light brown tarnish skin. It's not native, or white, but both. Met a black women with a white bf and the kid had green fucking eyes. So yes. If every white person in the world had babies with non whites their white DNA won't die. It will live on in their kids but their traits are recessive so most likely not going to see colored eyes or blonde or red hair and freckles or pale skin.

Well no shit. Monopolies never benefit the average person. Why wouldn't politicians want complete monopoly on guns? The government would love for citizens to become sheep to do whatever they want. But with guns, they have to watch what the fuck they do.