NZG New Zealand pol

>risky early bake edition

>doc and murrys complain about a couple bringing their very well behaved cats on a hike

>roasties get butthurt a West Coast cafe and bar wants a big boobed waitress

>unhealthy murrys to get extra funding to increase their health. Some animals are more equal than others

>don't you dare protest goys, The Freedom and Rights Coalition has been warned it could face enforcement action if it goes ahead with an event at Auckland Domain this weekend (jafanons must go and represent NZG)

Maybe more news to come after 6pm

>What's for dinner cunts, I don't know it's only 5:15

Attached: if only you knew how comfy things really are.png (454x249, 210.41K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>a West Coast cafe and bar wants a big boobed waitress
Based Caffee. Too bad feminists are seething


Attached: Tīeke 2.jpg (612x408, 22.78K)

Venison burger.
Fuck the government. Revolution now.

kiwis are fags

Checked and correct, but at least we aren't Australians

Yep. By the way for some context, the West Coast culture is roughly equivalent to American rednecks, it was probably a tourist who got offended

Attached: west coast ad.png (408x351, 162.33K)

Yep, and I'm sick of you Aussies coming over, especially ones from Sydney because you're all bottoms

>Must have double D breasts
This is an outrage. What about women with trip-Ds or bigger? They have the right to bring me wings too!

ITT: We post Tīeke, but also Kōkako.

Attached: Tīeke 3.jpg (800x599, 57.05K)

Attached: Kōkako 3.jpg (1800x1350, 421.78K)

This is my favorite NZ bird by far.

I also love how it isn't known by it's fucking murry name

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What's the problem with bringing cats?
No, really. So what? The cats appear to be dressed appropriately and aren't fucking with anyone. Maoris don't like cats or something?

The hecking Wattlebirds user... Think of the hecking Wattlebirds!

You get them in Australia though, I thought NZ hated Australians.

NZ animals didn't evolve to deal with predators so cats are like Frieza on namek if they get loose.

What's the housing situation like? Same dogshit as here?

People are such fucking cucks here, you wouldn't believe it. It all comes down to rampant anti-white racism.

Everything "native" is murry therefore good, and everything introduced is "white" therefore bad.

Councils actually cut down introduced trees like beautiful old willow trees, to replace them with shithouse native trees that take over 1000 years to mature, because they think they're murry trees

Been the worst in the OECD for years m8
Apparently news is saying it's becoming a "buyer's market" now though.

I know they go over there to do scaffolding

A cat wearing clothes couldn't catch a cold. Much less a bird, no matter how retarded the bird is. Do these tribesmen think these house pussies are hunting cats brought to decimate some sort of wattlebird based economy? Those cats aren't carrying guns or nets or anything.

I'm like piccolo on vegeta on namek when I get loose, if you grasp the subtleties of my inference

Worst, houses are a little more, but the kicker is wages are so low and other things are so high, so it's real fucking hard to save up and buy a house.

For example someone on an average wage here would have to grind fucking hard to save $10k in a year but an aussie could as easily save $20k or so.

Not saying it's easy there, it's just so bad here in comparison.

But if you have a lot of money already you can buy nice places here still, they're built to a good standard etc

The way I see it. People should be allowed to have Pet Tīeke & Kōkako like many Māori tribes did in fact have.

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You see, Wattlebirds are considered omens of fortune. No Wattlebirds = No Fortune.

A cat dressed in winter clothing would not be able to catch anything more agile than a chicken sandwich and couldn't do much but starve and die if it escaped. And those pampered pusses are not escaping anything.

Those Fantails Stealing Jobs and Women.

Cats go feral when they see a Wattlebird. Imagine a Bird that doesn't fly off, but just sits there looking at you.

I have said this before, if they were allowed to be owned by the public, they wouldn't be endangered.

There's a weird industry here where people keep them perpetually right on the brink of extinction and spend fucking hundreds of millions to do it. But they get to enjoy their nice lifestyle tramping around wasting money.

I bet the kekapos get pissed off by the roasties and their bullshit

Attached: dumb bitch wasting money fucking around.jpg (1080x1022, 148.42K)

Cats in winter clothing = woefully ineffective wattlebird catchers
I think cats should be allowed on hikes as long as they're wearing pants, parkas and cute footwear.

they just run up and start humping them.

I think I've told you this before, our native birds have a really strong musky smell since they never evolved to avoid mammals

I don't care how feral the cats think they are. If they're fully dressed in winter clothing as the cats in the picture, the only thing those wattle birds are going to die of is laughter.
based guy

I hear his gf stinks of piss all the time