Male feminist

> Male feminist
> Pedophile

Like fucking clockwork. I hated this man so much. He spammed these fucking threads for about 3 months. Made this board insufferable.

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Other urls found in this thread:

don’t care still posting him

Kek didn’t know this but I am absolutely not surprised. This guy gave off the creepiest vibes off course he was a groomer. Piece of shit not so smug now kek

Knew it the second I saw his face. To me pedo’s have a certain look already. It’s almost like the uncanny valley to me but much more obvious, and they have a weird way of acting as well.

sauce on the pedofile thing

Holy shit is this the guy that punched the camera at the fake "harasser"

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Whatever happened to this loser? Did he go to jail?

Yep. Pedo


Caught trying to fuck a 15 year old during a tiktok meet up.

He disappeared from internet and, for some reason, not a single autist has tracked him down.

probably a fed desu

What happened? Did I miss something?

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I know that my dude, but I wonder if it had any real consequences for him.

Man who terrorized this board was caught to be a pedo a few months back. Thought it was a good case of karma coming back to bite him in the ass

Come on now

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bad leaf

Apparently he just deleted his accounts. So no. No consequences I guess. Guess this world is fucked and pedos don’t get any fucking credit.

>she was only 15 you sick fuck

Well. Still a pedo by today’s standards.

I want to smash his face with a rock everytime I see him posted here. It's like something deep down in my genes wants this thing removed from producing viable offspring

But he is on Any Forums's side

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