What OS does Any Forums use?

I'm genuinely curious.

Attached: Windows10.jpg (1767x887, 695.58K)


Windows 11 the best OS on the planet right now.

Temple OS


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windows xp sp3


I have many linux machines and a window machine. Oh yeah I do have a working TempleOS machine too, pretty cool on real hardware.

The QNX 1.44" floppy disk demo.

Attached: qnxdemofileman.gif (640x480, 13.23K)

linux distros for everything actually important, winshit 10 for video games and I hate it


kali linux at work, windows at home, mac whenever i need to stream some media or when guests sleep over and need to borrow a laptop


Windows 10 and I fucking hate it

Good luck getting fucked in the ass by windows 11 privacy and Linux malware in Ubuntu snaps losers

Windows 11, any other answer is shitzo nonsense.


Attached: Shieeeeet.jpg (723x532, 82.1K)

Nice setup. I've tried using Manjaro in the past but haven't found all the programs I needed in the official repositories. I wasn't brave enough to use the AUR and was reluctant to using flatpaks or snaps. Have you had any crashes?

Attached: VeryNice.png (750x593, 357.61K)

Arch linux (btw)

I was using deepin but dumped it after the Chinese pussied out. Not going to use that faggot shit anymore.

I'm on win10, but not by choice. Some of the programs I use officially only support windows and linux just doesn't run it as well. I use manjaro on my personal pc though

ur a poo but u ain't wrong

Attached: TempleOS_logo.png (650x490, 19.84K)

Fuck off.

Attached: Glowing.jpg (499x560, 14.46K)


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Windows 10 because i play video games and dont care if the atf kick down my door

Mint 21

Manjaro was my first distro at 15, i used debian for like several years and now arch has a text based installer so anyone can install arch

just use debian if you hate updates. i like debain but arch just Werks

Windows 11, Windows 10, Linux Mint 21, Raspberry Pi OS , Android 12

Harmony OS on a Huawei. No NSA back door and every phone conversation I have can't be tapped by the local Rabbi.

I've used Manjaro before. What desktop environment are you using? Have you had any crashes?


The one I made myself.

Attached: 1659456226053787.jpg (625x834, 218.15K)


arch, xubuntu, win10

I used gnome but then it drove me insane and I switched to plasma. I haven't tried any others. I like plasma. No crashes though.

kys gate faggot

Yeah I've heard good things about Debian. I've just been trying to use Linux on newer hardware. It's just frustrating because Linux doesn't really have good hardware acceleration. Not from what I've seen at least. I've tried using Manjaro on a newer ThinkPad and the cpu temps are at 50 degrees Celsius when playing a YouTube video in 1080p. And battery life is pretty meh


Attached: TempleOS IQ.png (1280x850, 150.99K)

Temple OS.

Was Gnome crashing alot?