Pol's idol has a weird steroid body

pol's idol has a weird steroid body

Attached: tryhard fag.jpg (1440x1440, 305.58K)

Why does he looks like some mongolic creature

it amazes me just how mad people are at the Top G

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I don't even know who that faggot is

He lacks a prefrontal cortex. He is definitely not white.

He's half black. Also he's a caricature. Braindead zoomers without dad figures and hypnotized by clout culture flock to this man for meaning.


Can he Dodge bullets??

Attached: signal-2022-08-02-22-00-26-548.gif (200x105, 49.04K)

>dem titties
>that roid gut
Oh ye, he juicing.

>pol's idol
ZOG shills are desperately trying to force this meme, in the vague hope ofit materalizing into some reality. No, zog shill, we don't like a multi-racial PUA conservitard. This is a NatSoc board. Fuck off.

>this is a nat soc board

Wrong again azooger zogbot shill!!


literally who

>repeats nigger words
what color is your grifter?

Stop trying to make this guy a thing

>that sloped forehead

>ZOG shills are desperately trying to force this meme
I don't think it's that deep. Tourists keep posting him because it riles the locals. Even a couple Any Forums guys probably do the same for lulz. If you want certain rage baits to go away, you just don't engage. You should know this by now.

no jaw or chin
busted chest
small brain
weird orange hue
massive gut despite being slim

so this it what it looks like when you put an untermensch on roids and self tanning lotion

Attached: sorryforwut.jpg (401x349, 37.05K)

He would destroy Hasan

>predditor spacing
GTFO of our NAZI board, and don't let the endlessly posted images of hitler hit you on the way out.

This is the sort of guy who keeps these Tate threads going, lmao