Is it safe to drink?

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You won’t die except in Flint

Fluoride makes it taste great

most municipal water is poison

she thinks so

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According to (((experts))) we now have permanent chemicals in the water.

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ive been drinking my city's unfiltered tap water all my life. i tested it a few months ago it said 160 parts per million. i figure i should get a really good water filter to take some stress off my kidneys

No. Las Vegas has gaypox in their sewage which means it's in the clean water soon.

No, use your garden hose instead

Where do you live?
Are you on municipal system or do you have your own well?

Due to almost every woman on birth control, all that shit went into the water and treatment centers can't filter it out.

Tap water is much of the reason why teens are turning trans

depends on the area
where I live they say there is enough naturally occurring fluoride that they don't need to inject any
in other areas they claim there isn't enough natural fluoride in the water so they inject some into it

I only drink bottled. Tap is for peasants.

>i tested it a few months ago it said 160 parts per million
what kind of parts?

You're missing out on all those trace amounts of different drugs and chemicals

not my problem

Nope, tainted with forever chemicals also known as PFAS, a chemical compound that had a strong flourine-carbon bond making if virtually indestructible, was used in Teflon and firefighting foams etc.

Turns out it's so indestructible it has an extremely long half life of like 10 years, so it accumulates in our bodies over time and we get diseases like cancer and shit.

Look up movie Dark Waters and go to to see a map of contaminated drinking water sites.

I was going to try it later if i dont want to the fridge. It has a lot of white matter in it visibly. But still if i am lazy i will do it. Wish me luck.

>imagine calling yourself a first world country but having your water being filled with fluoride and other shit
>imagine calling yourself a first world country and not using water from deep wells only that don't need to be chemically or biologically treated

Unironically a real man wouldn't complain about the amount of estrogen in the water or the chemicals. You're not strong enough if you're affected by chemicals and estrogen. Kys.

BTW these chemical compounds are in so much shit like take out boxes and rain proof jackets that they're almost impossible to avoid, pretty sure they're even in bottled water too.

holy shit