Why is giving boys puberty blockers and cutting their schmeckle off fine...

Why is giving boys puberty blockers and cutting their schmeckle off fine, but harmless erotic intimacy between men and boys is illegal?

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you need to fuckin chill bro

Kill yourself.. it doesn't have to be now or tonight. Take a couple of days maybe Friday. However carry it out okay groomer

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late nite 10 commandment niggaz

Do you know what you're doing for all your fellow pillow talk pedophiles?
There's actually a very real movement going on right now you can reference this. Your kind will be bludgeoned to death it won't be pretty it will hurt. They're going to go after everything that you hold dear. That component of it will be grizzly you need to cut that cancer out of your psyche... or don't but the line's been drawn in the sand. Tick tock tick tock tick tock

Enjoy your 1 month ban Fogle

This is why your kind was stoned to death upon discovery

that's a girl

repent and believe in jesus christ

You deserve to be beaten and thrown out of a helicopter into a woodchopper for doing either.

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They are shutting Tavistock down because so many (now adults) trans kids are furious they were bamboozled

imagine if op was real haha

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Of course this is part of the LGTBQ+ agenda. He is right if one form of degeneracy is ok, why not all degeneracy

honey puberty blockers is bad for the health
>harmless erotic intimacy between men and boys is illegal?
for poor and middle class yes but upper to elite is no

the only response to you is death, you do not deserve to breathe the same air as other human beings, you are beyond saving execution is the least you deserve.

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neither are ok and please kys

Those are both very bad things. You can fix this urge though. Smash your balls with a hammer the next time you have those thoughts.

> harmless erotic intimacy between men and boys
time to die


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You are the types of faggots that try to abduct me
Being a 27 year old that still looks 15 is both a blessing and a curse

neither are okay faggot

>Why is giving boys puberty blockers and cutting their schmeckle off fine
We never said that was fine, abomination.

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Neither is ok and I hope bad things happen to you.

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repent and believe in השם

Perhaps you can try hanging from a tree from a rope tied around your neck. It definitely works to solve all of the problems someone like OP definitely suffers.