Fuck you

Go ahead and ban me you fucking kikes, I got a brand new bike and couldn't give a shit

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Other urls found in this thread:


motorcycles are gay

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Where you headin to ?

Says the faggot with toxoplasma gandi

Just work and back :/

Motorcycles are fun, take the cycle pill

You can't park there. That's a Fire Lane.


nigger you're talking to a cat

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Is that an MT-07? You like it so far?

Nicely done user....You'll shoot your eye out. Oops wrong toy

sweet bike
cats (indoor/outdoor) are based

Just got it today, it's pretty damn fun. Would recommend

Nice bike, user. Rubber side down bro.

Nice bike user

*bike wave*

We got a name for people like you, temporary Americans

put guns on it like gta

Cats are good
Bikes are good
Just that simple

Nice bike.
Be safe out there. Motherfuckers with cellphones be trying to kill you

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I remember I used to hold onto my big strong bf while he rode his bike. Thing was a monster. I had so much fun holding onto his big, manly body for dear life while he sped through traffic. Guy was fucking huge. Hot as fuck too. It was so fulfilling sleeping on his big hairy chest, making out with him. I never felt such a profound sense of belonging.

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based MT rider
I also have 150cc MT

Guy smashed into me and busted my bike up. I'm lucky to be alive. Fuck I miss my bike. $10,000 down the drain ;_;

At least I got a cool video.

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Should have got a Vmax.

Anyway nice bike keep the dirty side down.

Attached: Apex_2021-08-13_B_Group-0116sx-ZF-0067-92338-1-001-001.jpg (5568x3712, 2.25M)

Hey buddy, that looks like a really neat bike. I bet it's a lot of fun!


Umm sweaty, bikes are for kids where is your Ford F150 raptor????

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I have it. It took them over a month and a half to take responsibility. I'm only now starting to get some cash. Feeling pretty depressed ngl, my father's jacket was destroyed and I lost a lot of my identity.


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good. go crash it and kill yourself, mutt.

the fewer yanks on the planet, the better.

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I would if it wasn't freezing hell here with piles of snow 8 months a year.

trx better

Nice man, got my z650 a few weeks ago, lots of fun but kinda wish I had some fairings to help with the wind. Do yourself a favor and get a fender eliminator kit :)

This will trigger a lot of faggy and bitchy people here, but I think it's cool:


That forced german jewish/freemason stuff about a similar vehicle has a demonstration that you almost never get wet if the roof is correctly designed.

Rocket III > TRX

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I have the same fz1

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This is why I always ride on the footpath, seethe more pramcucks

Just like trannys lmao

looks gay

The whole existence of humanity should trigger jews and other narcissists 24/7.

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