Why is Alex Jones so fucking evil?

Why is Alex Jones so fucking evil?

>Sandy Hook parent Scarlett Lewis tells Alex Jones that she knows he didn't believe she is actually a deep-state actor.

>"I know you know that. That's the problem, I know you know that. But you keep saying it. Why? Why? For money?"

>Lewis asks Jones: "Do you have empathy?"

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AFTER this whole trial I am convinced Sandy Hook was 100% a fraud and nobody died and if they did, it was exclusively by the feds and glow niggers.

Attached: 1659422353368536.webm (710x400, 2.59M)

this, there is no way those "parents" aren't getting paid

Fly too close to the sun, and eventually you might burn yourself for not being careful

yeah theyre getting paid millions straight from alex jones' bank account LMAO


Watch the doc, these “parents” are all weird and connected. Some even to international politics iirc
We need to talk about SH

Imagine if this chick actually was paid off, the fucking gall.
There was some fuckery afoot at that shooting for sure.

>see what happens when you don't sit down and shut up goyim? take note and beware

I knew it as soon as I heard them attack Alex, saw the response videos and didn't see 1 fucking body.

fpbp, the “father” looked like a complete goon

>Lewis asks Jones: "Do you have empathy?"

Not having enough empathy means that you have to pay some jews millions of dollars.

best thing to do is find out everything user can about this hoax mother on the stand today in travis county court room

So it's just nonfalsifiable now? Is there anything this woman could say or show you to change your mind. If not, you're obviously a conspitard.

Who said she’s an actor? False flag doesn’t mean it didn’t happen

Jews are consummate actors. Mind fucking is their game.


I'm not saying she was an actor, but there was some seriously suspect aspects of the shooting.
>police report doesn't line up with dashcam footage
>literal DNA (or fingerprints, not sure which off the top of my head) from an "unnamed inmate" from NY found on a letter left in the shooter car trunk
To name two
Go watch the doc

of course it was a fraud. the evidence is so over the top when you look at it.

>hole goes on stage and cries
wtf bros snady hok real

lol sandyvag is fake and gay

I always thought it was real, but that testimony feels so fake

Isn’t this the bitch that said her kid jumped in front of the bullets to save his friends? She made up all sorts of Bull shit.

Judge asked for a yes or no answer,
she goes on for 5 minutes.
AJ tries to defend.
Sit down and shut up.

Pathetic and repulsive.

COVIDLAND episodes 1 and 2


Honestly, this whole thing is a little over the top. Had they not deplatformed him, or put him on trial over this, I would have thought it was a conspiracy. Honestly would have not thought of sandyhook for years.
Shes lying. Why does she care what some boomer thinks?

Show me the autopsies.
Show me the photographic evidence of the shooting (the actual murders, not just bullet holes in a window)
Show me a single picture of Adam Lanza in the school with the firearms the police say he had with him.
I’m not holding my breath.

the normal citizen only say these dumb ass remarks because they know cameras are there and their retarded 90iq takes on things will resonate with the other mouth agape masses of retarded normies


I had all his shit blocked on my router so nobody in my home could watch his shit but then his retarded shit kept coming true.


also this bitch is blaming him for the division in the country not the cunts at CNN, MSNBC, FOXNEWS
fuck her, im glad her fake cgi son got shot

>2pbtid kike
>"they paid a woman to cry... that means you have to believe everything we say now..."
>"c-conspiratard... don't notice things..." aka toothless shitlib namecalling and kvetching
sandy hook was fake, no one died, and you will never get our guns, eat shit jew

Can someone tell me on what grounds is this show trial even held? He stated his opinion, so it's not libel and it can't be defamation since there's no damage or remedy. The kids are already dead and he's not the shooter, so saying something "mean" or "unethical" doesn't cause harm to the subjects in question.

I was watching some interviews with satanic ritual abuse survivors from the early 2000s or 90s, and they were talking about how satanic towns exist, and one that they mentioned by name was a tiny town called Newtown Ct, where sandy hook happened. Makes ya think