Capitol protestor gets 7 years jailtime, his son says he deserves it

>The son of a convicted Capitol rioter says his father 'absolutely' deserves his seven-year prison sentence for the 'off the rails violence' committed on January 6, 2021.
>Jackson Reffitt, who turned his dad Guy Reffitt into the FBI, argued that while his father was is a 'narcissist' that made poor decisions, he was also 'used as a puppet' for then-President Donald Trump.
> Guy, 49, of Wylie, Texas, was convicted by a jury in March of five felony charges, including bringing a gun onto the Capitol grounds and obstructing an official proceeding.
>He never entered the Capitol, but video evidence showed him egging on the crowd and leading other rioters up a set of stairs outside the building.
>Guy was also recorded saying he planned to drag House Speaker Nancy Pelosi out by her feet 'with her head hitting every step on the way down.
>The father and known recruiter for the Three-Percenters, a right-wing militia group, was sentenced to seven years in prison, despite the recommended sentence for his crimes being nine to 11.25 years.
>Jackson, 19, said that Guy's actions during the insurrection were unacceptable and go beyond the scope of political protest.
>'Realistically, this doesn't have a matter of political opinion. What my father did is far from politics,' he told CNN on Tuesday. 'This is completely off the rails violence'
>'Whether it had a political motive at this point doesn't matter. It's more about what he does and who he did it for.'

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Imagine having a child in the current year.

Imagine being as cucked as an American LOL

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They laugh at you
Pic Related

It’s one big purple club
You ain’t in it

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Well I have their 81 grandma sentenced to prison

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By the time he's out of prison his son will have joined the 41%

He'd be removed from any will and completely disowned, to the point of destroying any pictures.

The son looks like a true Any Forumsack

Some leftists like to say that she faked it, though the niglet was sent down south because he kept harassing white women in Detriot, and even his own fucking family testified he whistled at her.

>posts name and town of residence
>only around 60,000 people
haha imagine if some texan was to put up posters with his face letting everyone know he turned his own father in to the secret police haha i'm sure he'd get lots of community support.

Whitoids love narcing on their family and friends in order to curry favor from the zog state. No wonder ya'll going extinct fucking cucks.

Till's father was executed by a military firing squad in Italy in 1944 for raping multiple Italian women.

Imagine NOT killing your son for doing this after getting out of prison.

Can some post this faggot son name and address?

Nevermind his name is Jackson Reffitt. What's this niggles address?

Also beating a MP so badly (from behind with a billy club) he was in a coma, and like his fucking son his own fellow niggers snitched on him.

Lol. Dad won't even be able to get a job when he gets out. If he gets out, he looks like a fat fuck & will probably die in prison. Son has adapted to the new America & its values, so will likely be fine in life.

Obviously he should be shunned by both his family and local community. He needs to leave but as soon as anyone finds out who he is then the cycle must be started again. No violence but this Judas must always feel ashamed and unwelcomed.


>dad owns business
>won't get a job

bad question and bad idea. just print out a mug and stick it up all over his town if youre nearby. let others do the work

>pic related
Any Forums on the left, /k/ on the right

I'm sure it'll be flourishing after 7+ years of being unattended

>liberal mutts have no sense of family ties whatsoever
Imagine my shock. Your nation was bastardised beyond redemption.

Never take sides against your own family. This is one of the most dishonorable things one can do.

>A father betraying their son, or a son their father...
imo the father fucked up raising his son

just because you are totally isolated doesn't mean everyone else is. i expect he can depend on employees and relatives to take care of the business for the duration of his sentence. i doubt being a political prisoner will damage his business much in a red state

Sounds more like that's what you wish would happen. Is life hurting you user?

hard to see the silver lining when you're a chnkie. hard to see most things