There are anti-White kikes, mongrels, and traitors within our community. I just want them to know, you will be hunted...

There are anti-White kikes, mongrels, and traitors within our community. I just want them to know, you will be hunted, and you will be found.

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You will NEVER go to Alioth

>There are anti-White kikes, mongrels, and traitors within our community. I just want them to know, you will be hunted, and you will be found.

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i want nazis commies liberals and anarchists to be exterminated. i'm an authoritarian conservative

i dont want to gas people based on race

Kikels are satanists and pedophiles

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SIEG HEIL kamerad! And not all is doom and gloom.

Video to picrel.

The Plan for Total World Conquest (JWO) that was supposed to start in 2030 (Agenda-2030), has been sneakily brought forward 10 years (2020) and the jews have been forced to move in an increasingly uncoordinated, unsilent, unfleecked manner. In short, like thieves in a glass house, they are now running around making a big racket and destroying everything. And "waking up" their victims, who the jews and their golems will have a nice farewell "Party". That's why the jews rush things. If the jews had total control over things, then they would have implemented Agenda 2030 with small steps so as not to wake up the people. When you're in control, it doesn't matter 50 or 100 years. But something or someone turned their plans upside down in such a way that they know they have no chance of success but given their destructive mentality the jews prefer scorched earth tactic.

Also, their stupid christcuck, abrahamic messiah psy ops is collapsing into itself faster then they wanted or anticipated. So they are trying to speed run their plan to the end game making a huge racket as they try to salvage their “cunning” multi-millennia plan to take over the world using typical jewish kvetching bullshit. Unfortunately for them, or fortunately for us, jews suck dick and balls at actual warfare and projected their arrogance too much. They nutted in their pants too soon and people can see the stains.

The accelerated jewish corruption of the world in the past few years is all a worldwide Samson Option (Scorched Earth). The jews want to destroy and corrupt as much as possible before the Final Liberation by the Imperial Germans (Reichsdeutsche), that is if their end is near then they intend to drag the world down with them.

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Circumcision would be illegal if anyone but the Jews ruled the world, just sayin’. It’s barbaric and the old covenant was superseded by a new, better covenant, sealed with the Holy Spirit, just sayin’

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LOL cope and seethe some more swine

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Not just media but medical practice is overseen by kikels, just sayin’. Scientific observation of the traumatic nature of circumcision cannot be published, just sayin’. Empirical data is held down by the kikels in their unrighteousness, just sayin’

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only 12 years PATHETIC

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Communism is a Jewish plot, just sayin’. One of the first actions of the revolutionary government of Russia in 1917 was to ban and burn all copies of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, just sayin’. That’s really extreme measure for a ‘forgery’, just sayin’

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There are more sources of evidence for the Jewish plot than the protocols themselves, just sayin’

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The faggot chink is here, right on cue.

the holocaust happened and it was a terrible thing you evil retard

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I don't about the holocaust, but the holodomor which the bolshevik kikes carried out definitely was real, I know because kikes and their puppets never discuss it.

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I'm a race mixer because most white women are obese, liberal, and anti-Christian. See flag.
Imagine worshiping your race, it's just idolatry. The white "master race" let a group of homosexual elites who call themselves "natural aristocrats" dominate their society. Until white people care about removing sodomites and sexual immorality upon societies, they are doomed by God.
Also, nice larp of "hunting" people. You haven't left your basement for years and consume large amounts of pornography. Do you wear a skeleton mask too?

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