Why do S. Europeans & Hispanics (the Mexican races) claim they’re white?

I keep seeing passing whites (Italians, Greeks, Spanish, etc) claim they’re Europeans. They’re not white, they’re Afro-Semitics with SOME white blood (less then most African Americans).

Whats even weirder, 85% of “people",, saying “Americans are Mutts!”(on pol, I counted) are coming from these Hispanic nations & other non-white nations.

Attached: mexican.png (860x741, 514.97K)

Me on the right

I don't know user, why do you care so much?

Kek, no way they look like that.

"white" has the same meaning as "poc" and is used in the same way. Indians or arabs are not "poc" but they call themselves like that sometimes, is just a way to remove even more identity form ethnic groups and it was done in the same way years before with the term "white". What you would consider white one time was only the "anglo-german" or more specifically blonde blue eye, but during the passing of times it was spread to basically mean "european or with european origins" so italians, spanish, balkans, slavs etc... are all white for that definition. For example irish and italians in the US werenzt considered white, but now 99% of the people in the US will call an irish or italian white. Now for some universities even asians are grouped with whites (since they are smart) so take it as you will

This is huge cope. Why do you care so much if an amerimutt thinks you're white or not? Who gives a shit.

the mexican looks too light, that's a bad thing.

who are these white kids? is it a new boyband?

I kinda look like bottom right but i'm not ethnically french so it's normal

Your country is more nigger than mine, nigger. Not only in numbers but in %, kys now.

I don't care and I just explained the meaning of the term

White is an american concept and by american standards they are white. They can legally claim to be white on their birth cert and drivers licence in the USA .

Argentinian broud black(White) here.

Attached: 1510164269_928768_1511542124_noticiareportajes_grande.jpg (1980x1319, 308.11K)

White is a term that Jesuit influenced people made up so that people would focus on race instead of religion (after Protestant nations turned their backs on the paganised heresy of the Mediterranean religions, and consequently grew stronger).

Who cares

Fair, enjoy your day italianobro. Also do you know any good youtube channel where I can learn how to cook genuine italian cuisine?

Wait, why does the Spanish look like an Arab?

Attached: 16594818148002.png (512x512, 39.29K)

Cutting off your penis and becoming a woman is also an American concept


White = Caucasoid

White is about nullifying the treaty of Westphalia and building a new holy Roman empire

What type of protestant propaganda is this? Do you have anything to back this up?

People from Afghanistan are white men?