I feel like we gained some real shit posters or we lost some really good posters this year...

I feel like we gained some real shit posters or we lost some really good posters this year. I barely see good content the last couple months.

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leaf doesnt know where the old fags hang out. kek. its closer than you think dipshit

stfu canacuck!

That snow beaner to you beaner

Bots are getting more sophisticated, reasonably intelligent users are leaving, and literally nothing worth discussing or memeing is happening in the world right now. It's the death of Any Forums.

I see this shitty post every year.

4chinz is kill. dead af

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>I barely see good content the last couple months.
JIDF tactics and funding etc. information:



Well don't be a dink. Life gets busy can't be here ever day

I just don't care anymore. It's pointless.

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Too much amateur Youtuber political analyst spamming bullshit

Not enough Twitter, because anons think it's dumb, even though it's an incredibly valuable resource

You are not wrong. All celeb or political figures post everything on there.

* Note to newfags: shit posters and shitposters are not the same thing.

are you actually shilling Twitter here? that's a new low, groomer.

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your last thread convinced me.
I've already left this shit

This is a Q follower from 8kun. You can tell because they only know a limited amount of actual user lingo. No oldfags would ever say 'old fag'.
Pathetic desu.

Can't I shitpost here in peace without niggers losing their minds?

Some hue nigger had a couple of great threads about the various branches of occultism that politicians and celebrities are involved in the other night. If topic deserved a general, it was that. Even the heavily Christian Germanon that's informed about that stuff made an appearance. Felt like old pol was making a resurgence for a couple of hours.

Don't remind me of that abortion.
I'll never forgive this little cuck nugget.

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bot floods, retarded general spam (why are there two ukraine generals? because fuck it), intentionally piss-poor moderation, and high traffic volume

Honestly, I think two issues explain this. Firstly, there are a shitload more tranny, racemixing, pop culture slide threads than before. Secondly, I think the Vatnik/Hohol Pissing Contest has been a genuine drag for most people on both sides and pushed folks away.