Ok, which one of you faggots is trying to get jews to eat ze bugz?

ok, which one of you faggots is trying to get jews to eat ze bugz?

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>muh jews
It's not Jews it's the few hundred international hyena democracy makers who happen to be mostly Jewish. If you think it's shmlo next door, you're a retard.


Hey, who set it to $.89 a piece? I think it's definitely the jews

Are u rly jewish, bro? You should go thru your commandments, you can eat bugs as jew (locusts) but there are rules for what they have to look like so that they are kosher

"zionist" seems to be the word to your liking

>go thru jewish facebook
>"if someone pisses you off go to HR and cry about antisemitism, they will understand... most hr in new york etc are jewish"
Ok bro

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why goy? we must join hands aginst the WEF
tell it your bros on this board
i am, god says not to eat insects in the bible, i am not aware on how locusts are kosher
no, zionist just means you think Israel is based and should kill palishits

doesn't matter, we have to make sure. by the way, are you circumcised?

>kosher locust
lmao thanks for that one i'll make good use of it.

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Holy shit you're getting jewed also? You isrealites really need to sort that out lol.

I didn't know jews practice anthropophagy

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well i was going thru commandments yesterday and saw this one... quick google search shows that most jews would say locust are okay but some rabbis say they are not okay... the fuck i know, its your poozed religion

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Seethe jew
All jews are guilty

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Now now, it's not really cannibalism, Ehud.

>kosher locusts
>debatably kosher*
lel even jews jew jews.
What a silly people.

more like canibalism XD

>It's the WEF goyim! The ebil german guy!

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well... guess its bug time for me
hello ahmed, hows the weather in the emirate of pairs?

What are you talking about? Jews are the locus.

That's what anthropophagy means my low iq fren

this is a good image displaying some of the stupid schizo shit
like flat earth or whatever
makes people not trust/believe in the real shit

Christian Bible

Honey and Locust.

but kikebro if you look in passage 14:88 in the torah it in fact actually study shows the scientists say it's been debunked that locusts aren't kosher. they ARE kosher and you WILL eat them. no verification was required for this post btway just wanted you to know that.

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