Someone give us the real deep purple pill on what is going on with China’s assets inside of Taiwan

Someone give us the real deep purple pill on what is going on with China’s assets inside of Taiwan.

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there is no chinese assets in taiwan
taiwan purged them years ago

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The CCP pays people to stage protests. They do this all over the world, people have been caught multiple times in Canada and Australia. I'm sure you can easily google them too.

>Muh democracy purged any dissent

Taiwan is a multi-party system.
It's not surprising that some people like China.
Just like there are communists in the US.

.t an English teacher spreading faggotory in taiwan

How do you know? All rook same


Well, this is only possible in Germany. We have a Stalinist President, a Commie Chancellor and Moscow's Fifth column hired in the public sector. We treat them like a legitimate aspect of democracy, they treat us worse than animals. Not sure if Taiwan isn't better off

There are ideologically handicapped people all over the word. That does not help and they are not good people

It's okay. If you don't allow others to do that, a multi-party system is meaningless.

chinese are the biggest pussy cowards in the world

>Muh secret communists must be holding Germany back

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You're a faggot and I will spit on you because I know you won't do anything about it

It's not even fall yet. Have you started shaving your head already?

My wife is Taiwanese and I've been going to Taiwan long enough to remember when the PRC flag was banned there. One time I flew in via Shanghai and customs required all passengers to relinquish any pro-communist materials. It's sad they have CCP shills now.

>xi getting btfo by a jewnited states congressional globohomo golem
chinkoid bug people are eternal cowards lmao

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Is that you, Mr. Turkeyneck?

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pelosi is the chinese asset

she is there just to secure her husband's investments and once she's out it's ogre

Elaine Chao was only born in Taiwan, she comes from a family of loyal chinks.

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I hope Taiwanese police are taking notes of the butthurt.

Why don’t you let your sister go to college here so we all can pass her around like fried rice?

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The purged opposition media after this past election. It's the typical CIA playbook (including the faggot shit). They are determined to turn Taiwan into another Ukraine.

Basically, this.

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