Advice on building a pro-White network

Hey Any Forums, I recently graduated from high school and me and several of my friends created a small group that shares pro-white and National Socialist philosophies.. We have about 7 people and we hope to be a model for local groups elsewhere that can drop red pills and discuss NS philosophies.

However we do have some rules about who can join. Females are allowed to join but there are restrictions. There was one girl who was white and pretty hot, who said she was pro-white and wanted to learn more about our beliefs. However, we found out that she was poor white trash, who is being raised by a single mother on welfare, and we so we refused to let her join. We made it clear that we despised her just as much as niggers and Jews and that under an NS government which defends the working, middle and upper classes against the barbaric underclass people like her would be gassed. She didn't like hearing this so we all spat on her and she went away crying.

Does anyone have ideas on how to expand our network? We have tried to make contacts with NS groups in other parts of the country but we haven't found many. It's clear that ZOG has been successful in suppressing organizing in many areas.

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Prob stop following black beauty standards and thinking fat obese asses are normal

Not reading your blog, faggot.

Imagine her filling those pantyhoes with shit and then you make tea out of them

damn lot's of coom images tonight
are the chinks seething that hard?
waay too many slide threads

>Help me step-hitchiker, I'm stuck!

Look for closet homosexuals who are insecure about their masculinity

You got a discord?

You will be spared on the DotR

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After my kids grew up and were out of the house I was bored out of my mind. I started going to church twice a week and going to their social activities. I did this to redpill some of them and found quite a few already well on their way. My favorite tool of choice is videos of kikes in israel shitting on christian street preachers and showing them jewish scripture illustrating exactly what they think of christians and other nonjews. It's not much but it's honest work.

Well, how do you do fellow teens and youths? Sure is a fine day for conspiracy and sedition, what say you?

I can't tell if you're a troll, or just retarded.

Look, you're supposed to take in girls that are poor white trash and reform them, you idiot. What good is a movement if it doesn't permeate and enact change?

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That is true user, whites should do network with whites.
Fuck shitskin golem.

maybe we can see your videos? Post links.

>Imagine her filling those pantyhoes with shit and then you make tea out of them
I'd drink that and savor it.

>> we found out that she was poor white trash, who is being raised by a single mother on welfare, and we so we refused to let her join.

Why? It’s not her fault if she was raised by a single mother. You asshole.

look here jew, everyone knows its not the race it's the ideology....based is based redpilled is red pilled....your a racebaiting kike doing your little division jew trick, don't you have a jew temple that you need to spray paint with some swastikas

I see a pic like that and I think of dumping the body
Brb I got things to do like have sex you fucking INCEL LOSERS HAHAHA YOU'RE SO WEAK AND PATHETIC
You get dumped on by a simple picture

Stop posting slide threads you stupid nigger, sage.