Chinese here, china will win in the end

Here, i will spell it out for you mutts whats in the back of everyones head.

Nancy Pelosi just risked million of lives and risked sending in you mutts to war for her own ego. thats your politician. and she just destablized even further china-american relationship. as well as sending a signal to the rest of the world that america is truly the aggressors.

even your own anchors cant cope or rationalize and are choking on TV as they rationalize how they are the good guys when they see american battleships near an island thousands of miles away its territory. and thousands of tranny nigger troops stationed in japan and south korea.

which by the way gets funded billions of dollars from your purchasing power and continue to rob you anytime you get a paycheck or buy a big mac. pensions for those trannies who couldnt even beat sand niggers.

but im sure you know this, so let me get to the next point which is we will win the long war.

The US dollar will collapse. American Society is in decay. and we will just wait it out, which shouldnt be long. everyday your dollar becomes worth less and less. countries are developing new alliances and economic alliances to combat american printed dollars.

I wont even talk about the trannies and niggers you already know that is set in stone. more and more of your culture will decay to oblivion, whites will become a minority, more countries that are developing who shakes your hand now will turn their backs once they make it.

why would we waste our nukes over some roast beef grandma? we will just wait you out until you eat each other while we continue to build relationships and make more money and build our military. in the next 5 years, we will invade taiwan while you retards will have to deal with another school shooting and a depression.

We arent impulsive and retarded like you low IQ mutts.

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Nice larp We all know its just mutt coping

China conducts their exercises around the US proxy regime occupied island every year and every year the exercises grow in size while Amerimutt bugmen keep larping about Chinas impeding collapse to cope with their own recession

Amerimutts lost face when Russian exercises ended in a quarter of Ukraine being occupied, despite entire NATO depleting their arsenals and trillions of budgets. Maintaining face is very important in already rootless Amerimutt culture with a deep complex of not being considered white or European by their preferred ancestors further north of Africa and South America.

They got cold feet about Chinas exercises because Ukraine showed their Maginot Line defense strategy on Taiwan is completely obsolete against airsuperiority coupled with abundant drone tech and satellites. So now they send a replaceable tool to the area just before the execises start to give Amerimutt casus belli and excuse to intervene and draw maximum attention to the area in case the exercises turn into a liberation.

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Idc just get rid of niggers and I'll serve my yellow over lords

We're switching to "war with china" because the "war with russia" currentthing isn't going so well. It's all fake and gay theater, China is happy to wait the US out as it continues to decay.

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I was saying this earlier. However, China is not really in a position to do much about it. As much as we rely on China, China also relies on us to buy all their crap. It's why I always go back to thinking all of this is just theater and doesn't really matter much to either country. China is still going to make deals with the U.S. and the U.S. is still going to make deals with China. Nothing will change, but we are being prepared for a war. They have something planned and we're getting inched towards it until everyone accepts it.


>The US dollar will collapse. American Society is in decay. and we will just wait it out, which shouldnt be long.
newfag post by newfag. what is the great reset? you’re a kike colony created by kikes like kissinger as the frontman and the rest of the kike commies following in tow. take your slanty pan faced insect existence back to chinkland and hold down the hive because when the white man puts his foot on the jew you’re next. buckle up it’s gonna be a sketchy decade with more nigger golem rando attacks and shooters poppin their MKultra programs, and then when it goes dark the real ones get to hunt.
>chink emp
please do it, that’s my dream and your nightmare

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>more and more of your culture will decay to oblivion, whites will become a minority
this is the sad truth. diversity is a slow poison

Europeans forgot how to run empires properly. China is a multiethnic empire, not a nation-state.

Tldr. Get off the internet, stop coping and go invade Taiwan, pussy. Also, tell your retarded shitskinned president to stop being such a pussy by making threats he know you faggots won’t do.

Pelosi is a cunt and all, but she showed the world that china shouldn’t be taken serious.

Bad news

Nobody is going to win this time

two bots spamming the same point in the same thread.

America has no battleships they were decommissioned after WW2. Also you are an idiot come at us. Or maybe try paying off all your housing debt.

This retarded chink even needs to add face to his pepe. Materialistic faggot

China prohibits:
the supply of natural sand for construction projects in Taiwan
the supply of rare earth metals for the production of chips in Taiwan
the supply of fish products from Taiwan to mainland China
investments in the construction of a lithium battery plant for Tesla and Ford

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>chinese here

Wow, that's a lot of text. Too bad I didn't read any of it lmao

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The US GOVERNMENT D.O.D. SAID YOU WILL INVADE IN 2027. They still can't reconcile arming Japan tho. There trust issues run deep against the yellow man. That's why they gave nukie subs to Australia and CVCKE out the Frenchies.

eastern living standards
china will grow larger but things tend to bloat up as they rot

Three Gorges Dam Meets Rod Of God. Fuck 18 generations of your monkey aidspoxxed ancestors you odorous yellow fiddy cent cocksucking wumao peasant.

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)