Any 40-year-old boomers able to relate?

To this day I've never voted Republican. When I was 18 I voted for Ralph Nader 2000
>Ralph Nader is a complete fucking idiot and that was 22 years ago, I was 18yo so give me a break.
All I knew was that Al Gore and George W Bush seemed like cunts, and all my pothead friends were voting for Nader. The next election I voted for John fucking Kerry...
>Hang head low as I walk out of the polling station/ elementary school

I was 22 years old and given either Bush or Kerry on the punch card.

>Obama instead of John McCain

>Obama instead of Mitt Romney

>Votes for Jill fucking Stein...
because my first redpill was digesting and I wasn't fully sold on Trump. I knew that Hillary Clinton was Satan's spawn.

Then Kanye... Trump is a faggot kike nigger kneeler that continues to push the experimental juice. Kanye wasn't Joe Biden or Trump.

Find another 40-year-old with the same voting record and I guarantee you they watch Tucker. If anyone reading this wants to give me shit or discuss who I should have voted for in each of those elections, tongue my anus.

Attached: Tucker Carlson says _What_ - Funny Part - YouTube.jpg (1280x720, 115.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:"I"-Language

you like suck at voting

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I voted just like you, but I jumped off the Obama train in 2012 and voted for Marcus Mariota. Realized Democrats were evil in 2010 or so.

I'm actually similar but i voted Trump in 2020. i watch Tucker. I'm 41.

Never heard of Marcus Mariota... I was in a pretty rough time during 2012 and a bunch of years surrounding that. Is there a Mariota pill somewhere?

Jfc you're retarded. The youngest boomers are in their late 50s.

I almost did... But I was holding Trump to a higher standard. I honestly like the guy and I of course prefer him to be president right now, but Kanye West would be like having DMT as president.

thanks for the bump qeerbait

Are you schizo or just retarded. You sound like you don't have friends in real life because you use I about 8 times like you are a chick. No one cares, but I'm responding just to call you a fucking old retard. You're voting record indicates someone who doesn't watch Tucker, but I can see why you voted left constantly because you are dense as fuck but like validation from equally retarded peers. You are 41 fucking years old, stop taking drugs you inbreed idiot.

Ya In tenessee I heard the Greek mythology titans heavily influenced him

I think you should read this"I"-Language

I know it's election season, and the multi millionare pacs need to spend money somehow, but can you fucks fuck off?

Under Biden I'm too poor to even afford to drive to work. I can't afford a house and I can barely afford food after it's tripled in price.

I want to go back to the economy that allowed me to have food and spending money. Also, if you fucks could stop trying to trans and rape my children, I'd appreciate it. Kill yourself.

>I wasn't fully sold on Trump.
>I knew that Hillary Clinton was Satan's spawn.
>Votes for Jill fucking Stein...
I wasn't sold on Trump either but I voted against Hilary. Satan himself could have run and I would have voted for him if it meant no Hilary.


>you suck at voting

Attached: retard police.png (957x621, 369.63K)

nice blog faggot, kys

Sneed's Feed & Seed (formerly Chuck's)

yum i love spaghetti!!!

if you voted for john kerry in 2004 you quite literally voted for pic related. i can understand voting gore in 2000 because he was riding off the clinton high and clinton outside the blow job in the white house, wasn't actually bad after the 96 election when he shifted to the center. he shifted more right. the famous:
>the era of big government is over

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if you voted jill stein you voted for pic related. i don't think i need to go into detail.
hillary is more evil than satan. satan is scared of her.

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