Aus/pol - blowin' in the wind edition

no links, go fuck yourself

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Other urls found in this thread:

You know the rules.

>let's find out what happens if you copy-paste excel table

FIFO, 3 on 1 off 28
FIFO, 2 on 1 off 37.3325
FIFO, 8 on 6 off 48
Normal job, 60-hr week 52
FIFO, 2 on 2 off 56
Normal job, 40-hr week 72
FIFO, 1 on 2 off 74.6675

* Listening to a podcast on a mine site doesn’t count

no i don't actually
i didn't lurk for two years either, what are you going to do about it

>didn't lurk
>hasn't posted tits
It's orge and you are a troon.

Shit thread OP

that's not me, it's a random australianw oman who's sad because IVF funding got cut or something

truth and sage.

>”Dan Andrews? That Guy Has Got To Go”

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I hate everything this literally faggot has said and done now he sending invites to a pride party sounds shit when his got 100 vicpig near him

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And so do i

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>no links, go fuck yourself
Classic example of the kind of apathy that has led to Australia being owned by multinationals.

nick fuentes?

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>”Oh yehah” fuck Dan Andrews, fuckin Commie slut. Who is he trying to stick some unproven, untested, experimental stage drug up my butt? I saw him put the clot shot to my friend, dragged him away, next thing you know, he was dead. His face all fucked up from all the clotting and shit, he is going to get a big revelation in November, and I bet we will be locked down again before the election in which he will cancel the bloody thing, that’s why I think Dan Andrews is a commie slut.”

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Unless you're unvaccinated, they need to add that in. These gays are going to get together, fisting, pissing and shitting on each other spreading diseases kek.

There's a pic of Dan with an unrelated word above. What did they mean by this?
Btw, did we find out who PRGuy is? Obviously not that fag who pretended to be.

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>”No? What do you mean no? Dan Andrews locked up his own state for 18 months for nothing more than a cold, maybe because of his own hissyfits he suffers daily. That is the real issue PR Guy for Dictator Dan. Don’t fool me with your “I’m just an IT guy”, yeah, IT guy who tracks down political dissidents of Dictator Dan. Want to go down further into the rabbit hole?”

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i don't know why people are disputing it
can't you see that a conspiracy would have been less embarrassing for leftists than what they said? they shot themselves in the foot

>Just like we can visit our doctor with a Medicare card, Veticare creates public clinics allowing for free or low-cost appointments."

You will pay for ze roasties "fur babies"

Also meddick 100% fucked that dog

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>15 yo dies on school trip
>constant vomiting after plane trip to Austria
>doctors said he had constipation and homesickness
>new rules are being introduced to "mitigate" this problem

Nobody's gonna say it was the jab, right?
15 year old healthy kid gets seriously, violently ill and they say it's homesick?

defamation case update
big clive ordered to pay 20 grand
marky mark ordered to pay 5
no word on legal costs
WA voters still think clive is literally hitler and mark is a marvel hero

Meddick fucked his kids too.
>evidence? They're both trannies

>Melbourne student Timothy Fehring set off to Europe with 16 other students, and two school staff members in June, 2019 but fell ill as soon as arriving in Berlin, the group's first stop.
>hurr it's the jab!
Kill yourself, mouth breather

Ummm yikes where do I begin with this? Ok uhhhhh sorry sweatie but in victoria we TRUST THE SCIENCE!!!1!1! These kinds of reckless gatherings in the MIDDLE OF A GLOBAL PANDEMIC are extremely problematic. Why do cookers like Dan Andrews want the immunocompromised to die? This is NOT OK. It’s bloody 2022 and our policitians still won’t TRUST THE SCIENCE

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So is Dom fucked? Pedoface Kean apparently thinks he can take the helm before election. Nobody is voting for that guy though.
Sigh. Whatever. I hope every one of them got their booster.

I'll take the jab then
The cause of death was identified by the Medical University of Vienna as a highly acute infection leading to cardiovascular failure.

That's really unfortunate for a 15 year old. Like, really unfortunate. I do wonder why you didn't mention the negligent part.
You're pathetic.

The only relevant part that needs mentioning is that he died in 2019, which was clearly before the vaccine.

Kek I banned gays form coming into my pub because I trust the science. Watch out for me on the news lads.

Based publican

>Where equality is nonnegotiable

Unless your unvaccinated

Based. How do you manage that though?

Australians are stupid cunts that never do shit. You can't deny this.

Fuck up cunt

Your election was stolen and you did nothing.

what is the right side of history

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This is so they can make up diseases to put your dog down because your good boy uses too much carbon.

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