Can I get a 12 piece with bbq sauce please?

Attached: 2021.01.18-10.44-revolvernews-60060f6640b1e.png (622x679, 903.3K)

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Sorry we dont serve facists pigs


She’s so fat, she needs 3 different types of multicam

That's "11XL Ma'am" to you maggot

This was the USA presidential guard in 2020 after his election of 81 million votes.

Holy fuck is this what’s waiting for me if I join the US Mil?
>lost my job and 28 about to sign up and be a zogbot for the bennies

>Look how fucking depressed she is, like if you just stopped stuffing your face for 6 god dammed months and ran your happy brain chemicals would turn back on

I would breed that fat sow. Pound cum into her at a truck stop bathroom. Ensure my gene-seed's survival despite her natural treason. I would demand she moos like a cow as I spray inside of her.

Gravy Seal: Meal Team Six

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She is depressed because she is guarding Biden from 300 million unhappy citizens about to break down the doors.

Taiwan #1

No, you'll be out working and she'll be doing that and oinking with the other fat women in some air conditioned office. At least until she gets pregnant the first time. Then you won't see her for a year, but she will be making as much as you the whole time.
Then when she comes back she'll be back in the office oinking with the other fat sows who aren't on maternity leave. Until she gets pregnant again or twists and ankle.
She will then get 100% disability after an honorable discharge and get full benefits for the rest of her life.

This is the first LT that I would openly tell to fuck off, while State side. WTF have they done to our military?

Don't need to be Any Forums to operate a drone.

What's that on it's arm? Is that an insignia? A napkin holder? Wut?

And maybe we should. Hell, where's a fucking Killdozer when we need one?

It's exactly like this in the Navy. I worked in the hot ass engine room 12 hours a day. All the women hung out with the supervisor in the office looking at epic Navy may-mays. Then they would all get pregnant right before deployment.

Infantry officers aren't what they used to be.

Insignia of the 29th Infantry Division

imagine if that were your lieutenant....

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Hey I know that fat bitch:

Attached: why_you_should_not_feed_wildlife.jpg (800x500, 87.76K)

Infantry... does that mean her country expects her to not only be able to fully operate a firearm, but also run and be in good shape to ensure the survival of her fellow infantry in a real life battle? And if so... judging by her size... WHY?

And china is afraid of that? Fucking Kek.

Nah, her job is to break down emotionally and cause rifts between staff.

Fat is good because it prevents toxins from directly impacting the nervous system. "Normal" and underweight people consequently have increased anxiety.

>natural treason
Don't get that part but fat is indeed beautiful

Can't tell if that's sarcastic or just a fat fucking nigger cope

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Fuck I hate this shithole

This is the toxins talking

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I totally would.

Fat means less toxins are impacting the nervous system. Fat is beautiful now, degenerate

She's just some pog assigned to the division. Probably runs the chow hall. It's funny how different the Army and Marine Corps are when it comes to support personnel. The buffest dudes in the Corps are pogs. The fattest fucks in the Army are support for combat units.

The absolute state of the Imperial Legion of ZOGmerica.

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Hey now the big ladies need love too.

>he has more than me
>how can that be I was first in line
>I should take his desert cup and say I didn't get mine

Cope harder nigger, it's hilarious.

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