Alex Jones Trial

Sorry, I was just wondering why there aren't any threads on Alex Jones' defamation trial on Sandy Hook.

I thought this was Any Forums

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Because its the most embarrassing political stunt in the last decade.
Judge should have her license revoked.

What is the charge?


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because jones is obviously a crook and is guilty as fuck. he should be locked up for life.

Is it still not funny?

They're trying to get him for claiming Sandy Hook was faked.

Judge Gamble is such a cunt, I would not want anyone to have to face a trial run by some wine guzzling goblina like that.

i cant stand these court hearings but man clicked on it on day 1 and immediately see the judge berating people for chewing gum in court. Is normieworld really just a giant classroom w cunts and squares in power?
t.neat recluse

I saw her face, in an instant I could hear her voice, watched video filmed inside courtroom today, confirmed annoying af

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Time stamp on the video where he talks about sandy hoax?
What is the formal charge tho

The Sandy Hook theory is so dumb it's impressive.
60-70 people(the family members) are acting to be the parents and siblings of fictional dead children 24/7? They have to constantly be acting, what if a conspiritard decided to prank call or harass them. Appearances have to be kept up. You guys do know that's not even possible, right?
One of the 70-something would have spilled the beans by now(10 years) and it would be even more suspicious if they "disappeared".
There's less maintenance to literally just having a mass shooting take place.

But it was fake? What's the problem?

Thank you. Fuck sake. Pic unrelated.

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schizos on here are retarded as fuck and their dumb conspiracies never follow logic and always require something outlandish to be possible when it's infinitely easier to just commit the actual act for real instead of faking it.

Not allowed to question things, it hurts peoples feelings

but it was fake.

I’m trying to watch his testimony but I had to skip most of the beginning shot because I don’t care what Alex did in 1997 on his website and what his influence was when he started a local radio station.

Honestly this whole trial is a sham
>my fee fees are hurt give me money
Fuck off

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Alex Jones is based and redpilled, the judge is breaking a shitload of laws. Who watches the watchmen? Maya Guerra Gamble is a fat ugly old retarded bitch who needs to be disbarred.

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Ending is pure kino. Go to about 1hr30mins. He shakes hands with the guy suing him and they have a moment and the guys lawyer gets pissed and screams that Jones is autistic

I was in court for a friend and just reading a book in the back and the fucking copfag there told me to put the book down, after like 2 hours of reading it. Wtf was his problem?

Faggots on here can't appreciate comedy gold.