Welp, are you excited for Biden v Trump again? Because the Forward Party...

Welp, are you excited for Biden v Trump again? Because the Forward Party, despite how much they puked about a third choice, isn't even going to try to run anyone

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they dont want to be embarrassed
accelerate or die

I don't think we're going to be nominating Biden again in 2024, as Democrats. Not sure how you republicans are gonna roll, but my guess is they're going to nominate DeSantis

Democrats have no other choice but to run Biden again. Who else could run instead of Biden? Bernie? Too old. AOC? Unelectable. Harris? Hated.

I’d happily vote straight Trump again.
Even if the shilled
>muh left jew right jew
is real, and even if
>muh miga
is real, my quality of life under the right miga jew is better than the senile pants shitter jew.
But voting doesn’t matter and there will be permanent civil unrest at best post 2024 in America.

Um, there are plenty of democrat politicians, and your views on AOC or Harris are only informed by rightwing propaganda you've been exposed to. We'd all vote for AOC. We love her. I'd certainly vote for her in a primary

But I will say the USA is a rightwing country. VERY rightwing. And as such it has a strong tendency to nominate and elect rightwingers. That's the nature of life in the rightwing USA


That just shows you how they were never any opposition to begin with. Bought and paid for by the uniparty. I bet a lot of people prefer to de-escalate every finger we have in every pie around the world but the elite can't have that

Democrats are the party of pedophiles, homosexuals, abortionists and satanists. Anyone calling themselves Christian and voting for democrats is lying to himself and should reconsider his relationship with God. (you might not be a christian but I am putting this info here)

Um, none of that is true, but whatever. We're just a worker's party. A party of people that support the interests of the working class and poor, rather than the wealthy. That's always the political divide. Left supports the working class and poor, right supports the wealthy

Does your dad know you’re a faggot yet? Or should I say dads

>I don't think we're going to be nominating Biden again in 2024, as Democrats. Not sure how you republicans are gonna roll, but my guess is they're going to nominate DeSantis
>Um, there are plenty of democrat politicians, and your views on AOC or Harris are only informed by rightwing propaganda you've been exposed to. We'd all vote for AOC. We love her. I'd certainly vote for her in a primary

>But I will say the USA is a rightwing country. VERY rightwing. And as such it has a strong tendency to nominate and elect rightwingers. That's the nature of life in the rightwing USA

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>Um, none of that is true, but whatever. We're just a worker's party. A party of people that support the interests of the working class and poor, rather than the wealthy. That's always the political divide. Left supports the working class and poor, right supports the wealthy

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i cant tell if this is bait or not

No. You're the party of kid fuckers and child sex changes. You despise the working class as much ad you despise working.

LMFAO. Whatever dude. People like you live, totally willfully, in a sea of delusion

>LMFAO. Whatever dude. People like you live, totally willfully, in a sea of delusion

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Democrats are not a worker's party. They are the oligarchy incarnated. The same union that endorsed Biden for the Keystone XL watched with their own eyes Biden cancel the pipeline on day 1. Biden is printing trillions out of thin air and causing massive inflation hurting the "working class" you claim to defend. You are lying to yourself. Democrats are the party of trannies (Admiral Rachel Levine), of homosexuals (Pete Bootygag), of pedophiles (Epstein, Tony Navarrete of Arizona, etc.), and democrats prefer criminals over regular citizens with all their reckless pro-crime policies. Democrats are delusional and are actively destroying America.

Nah see..we have certain people down here that will make sure DeSantis stays governor for life. I don't think you quite understand quite how deep this goes. Best you shut your fucking mouth

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why the fuck are you here? go back to r3ddit you fucking groomer scum nigger loving faggot. you will never be a women. theres only 2 genders and its determined by your chromosomes at birth.

No a sea of delusion would be splitting a cock inside out and calling yourself a woman.

>muh vote

imagine thinking any of this shit matters, the only thing anyone is voting is who gets more money to Israel and the militantly complex

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