A shoe salesman used to be able to afford a house like this

A shoe salesman used to be able to afford a house like this.

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Only by pimping out his daughter.

Then zoning laws were created to keep away blacks.

For the last 50 years in the USA we've just enacted rightwing policy after rightwing policy. Wealth inequality continues to grow. Rightwingers won't seize the assets of the wealthy and redistribute them to the poor and working class. So as a result, you will own nothing. The wealthy will own everything and if you're lucky you'll be able to afford rent to pay them

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There's absolutely not truth whatsoever to the idiotic lolbert meme that "zoning laws are to blame for rising real estate prices". None

I would be happy being able to afford an apartment without a roommate

modern americans cannot even afford fast food

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Actually that's not true but it would be a start

he was also able to throw 4 touchdowns in one game

Yep, he worked his off. Now dumb fucks like you think hard work is somehow bad. Callused Gen Xer hands wrote this. Fuck you pussy.

>a character in a fictional tv show could afford something
a moron like Homer Simpson works at a nuke plant as well in fiction
retard kike

i can with the mcdonalds app. $1 large fries every day. free mchicken with any $1 purchase. it's a lifesaver

And had a wife like this.

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This is some elder god tier burger knowledge. Thank you wise one.

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Switching to fiat you retarded nigger.
Even niggers like you could buy a home if we didn't switch to fiat. Zoning laws were created to protect the 'investment' and 'asset' for home ownership.
Even though that shit should depreciate harder than lazy farm equipment.

call me crazy but I feel like I shouldn't have to have an app on my phone doing god knows what which is basically an advertisement for a simple deal. you're probably some autistic zoomer born after 2004 but I was born in 93 and I remember when shit was either on sale or a not on sale.There were no cards, memberships, exclusive clubs or other gay shit like that. you'd walk into a store and see an item you'd wanted but thought was a bit expensive or out of reach marked half off and be done with it. Fuck corporations and fuck you.

When I was a kid seeing this show, I use to think she was ugly...

No way, this cant be true

>canadian believes tv is real life
no wonder you fucking elected tredeu

yeah i remember all that too. i'm 40 and retired and just having some fun shitposting. stop being so serious.

Yeah nice commission on high-end women shoes like use your f****** brain leaf


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This is true. Americans don’t want “poor” (code for black) people in their backyards. They get very hostile at the idea of building dense low cost housing in their shitty suburbs.

You obviously don’t understand supply and demand. Zoning laws keep dense low cost housing illegal.

A shoe salesman didn't make fucking minimum wage either.