It was over when they banned smoking

Attached: Camel.png (442x600, 680.15K)

Who banned smoking?

if the commander in chief bans cigarettes, I will retire from the space force and start a militia

the best is yet to come..

Attached: LuckyStrike.jpg (553x766, 60.54K)

Close. But 9/11/01 was when it really ended.

Ive been looking for those. Cant find them Fuck!

Commercial flights?

They fucked up smoking when they added FSC

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IDK but I know smoking is still legal in the USA. So not sure what OP is smoking

Smoking isn't illegal. It was 2005-2008 when cities started banning indoor smoking that sent it downhill.

Yucky Strike

Probably meth or adderall knowing this board

dont shit on my Lucky's nigger

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for me, its these

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Everyone was more chill back in the day when we all smoked cigs.

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You shouldn't force your unhealthy lifestyle on others. I tolerate alcohol consumption when people don't make or pressure anyone to consume it, smell it, or deal with their intoxicated behavior. I'll tolerate your smoking if I don't have to see, smell, or deal with it in any way, including averse reactions from nicotine addicts (Yes, vaping is included in all of this). This is why homosexuals and trannies are so obnoxious and detestable. They DON'T want to keep it private. They made their addiction to sex a part of their personality, and they use that as an excuse to expose everyone to it.

OP likes smoking dicks

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Well I mean "it's toasted" so maybe you have something going for you.

You are so fucking lame. I'm glad I don't know you.

***Nerd Alert!***