Kari Lake getting crushed in Arizona

Selected, not elected. Robson will not challenge 2020.

Attached: Lake.jpg (1568x882, 79.01K)

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which bitch is the least cvcked?

Lake was 18 points ahead in the polls four days ago.
27 point shift.
Selected is right.

arizona is absentee heavy. i would imagine she does well in election day vote

Fucking IMAGINE voting Republican on Any Forums. Imagine supporting anyone of these shit parties, whether DNC or GOP. Imagine giving legitimacy to this system and it literally begs you to choose from its pro-Israel anti-White candidates who were literally picked out from an Israeli-owned modelling agency lineup and givne lines to read to setup this completely fake finklethink election cycle.
Fucking imagine posting this shit on Any Forums and expecting anyone outside the fringe minority of slave goy conservative retards to give a fuck which pro-Israel anti-White candidate wins.

Now watch those same slave goy conservative retards and their zog shill masters kvetch about this post, and come up with all manner of reasons why you should vote GOP because somehow the DNC is worse.


I don't need to imagine you stupid fool. Voting republican is what gave us Trump and 3 supreme court justices. But you are a defeatist cuck who is also a loser. Eat shit.

You should probably show real flag and then kill yourself, Chaim.

>meme flag
>responds to own post

what should i do instead

Attached: tree frog question.png (477x472, 383.99K)

I voted for Lake but they're roughly the same candidate. Lake has a better personality and charm and she is Trump endorsed, but a questionable background. Robson's family has been in AZ politics for years and she married a 90 year old billionaire 30 years her senior.

This shit is so rigged. People who went to vote were told toId they already voted

The Gateway Pundit reported earlier today on the massive voter concerns in Maricopa County.

The moment that polls opened this morning, machines weren’t working, and some voters were unable to get a ballot right away.

Across the State, worries also continue to mount over the type of pen Arizona elections workers are pushing voters to use on election day. We reported that the pens are possibly causing overvoting or vote changing.

One Maricopa County voter also told The Gateway Pundit,

TRENDING: MISSOURI GOP SENATE PRIMARY: "ERIC WINS" -- Attorney General Eric Schmitt Wins Primary Over Vicki Hartzler and Eric Greitens

When I put my ballot into the machine in Phoenix, the poll worker told me to wait for a green checkmark, but then told me to hit the red ‘return’ button and pull the ballot all the way out. When I asked if that was normal she told me that it’s been happening all day and that I needed to flip the ballot over and insert it upside-down with the blank side up. She said ‘as long as we get the green checkmark, we know it’s been read properly.’ I do not know if my upsde-down ballot was actually counted properly.

Pinal County also saw serious irregularities before and during Election Day.

In Pinal, 63,000 incorrectly printed mail-in ballots were sent out and delivered to voters just weeks before the election. The fact that this happened already proves that this election is compromised to its core.

Pinal County poll workers were then busted by a voter, illegally helping voters make choices on their ballots. We discovered that they were trained to do this, as well as give Republican ballots to Democratic voters.

more -

Attached: IVoted.jpg (532x708, 52.07K)

Just as predicted. Dropping Roe was a decision made by ZOG. Supreme court judges are in ZOG's pocket and do as they are told. Dropping Roe was a strategy to reinforce the legitimacy of the GOP nad bring white people on board conservatism, after a strong dead of US White dissidents undermining your shit fake politic.

It isn't working. No one gives a fuck. You WILL lose more white people among conservatism, and they will become more white-principled and white nationalist. You will lose this narrative, and we wnatsocs will continue to win. FUCK THIS SYSTEM. FUCK THE GOP.

WHY TF is anyone even bothering to vote? Everyone could have stayed home and the media would report the dem won by 80 %.

Why are we pretending that voting matters? The Emperor has no clothes.

I have no idea who any of these people are. We quit paying attention to parties and elections after 2020, as should everyone else.

>what gave us
nice Canada flag

these are ALL early voting ballost previously counted..not including early voter ballots dropped off today OR same day In person ballots

same day in person voters are the most pro Trump variety... early/mail in voters are mostly cucked morons voting establishment RINOs... Lake can still win after the ballots received today get counted.



Just watch. Civilization has generational ups and downs that spane 5ish generations. None of us today will be alive to see the rise. It really is all about having children and raising them properly. Im still hopeful for all out global civil war of haves versus have nots.

She’s going to come back just like Oz did in PA

>She’s going to come back just like Oz did in PA
She's politically dead in the water, and so is Dr. Oz.

>uses "goy" and "kvetch" so people won't suspect he's a jew
>"Just don't bother, bro, let the Dems walk away with it"
Transparent kike is transparent

Attached: Pay_no_attention.png (636x477, 262.3K)

Support White Dissident Organizations. There are plenty of them. Only ever support explicity pro-White and anti-Zionist politics and people. You are entitled to this. You shouldn't have to beg, and get dog whispers and hope one day a bone is thrown your way by a system that hates you. After 70 years, have you not learned that the GOP has been nothing but an obstacle in the wya of our true politic and desires? They dropped Roe now. Not when Reganism was at its peak, where even California was Republican. They dropped Roe, during a DNC dominated government, in a time where concerns about abortion were at their lowest. A time where the legitimacy of conservatism is at its weakest. It's just to drag you bakc in, get you involved, and it will be a carrot to dangle for years to come demanding your constant support in order to maintain this current abortion scenario.
Why? Becuase you're on Any Forums, worried about your racial future and barely giving any support to the GOP because you know they are puppets and fraud that never do anything for you.

Our liberation will not come from supporting this system and its puppets designed to control us buy it time to wind down our demographics. Our liberation comes from a revolutionary spirit, through third party politics, undermining the legitimacy of this system, and build a white brotherhood coalition FOUNDED on the simple principle of 'what is best for our white race'.

Personally, I have chosen the National Justice Party, whom are the party of TRS, but there are other groups too. Just don't ever fucking support the GOP or conservatism. Don't support the DNC. Only support EXPLICITY PRO-WHITE AND ANTI-WHITE GROUPS AND PEOPLE. No one else. You are entitled to more than the fucking scraps of the table. We built the fucking table, we cooked the meal. it's ours and we are entitled to all of it. Fuck this system.

These are primaries not the general election you politically ignorant faggot.

You really don't understand how bad things really are huh?

>the system only cheats during presidential elections
Notice how all these zog shills and GOP activists spent a year claiming elections were rigged, but now beg us to vote GOP. All your conservitard narratives are anti-white distraction trash, and you change them on a whim.

Fuck the GOP. Fuck your system, zog shill.

Jews always overplay their hands.
Rigging shit in the middle of a devastating drought is insane, I'm convinced jews are just hardcore sadomasochists and want to be gassed, they probably cum in their pants while getting shoah'd.


No one’s going to elect Chud Fetterman lmao

She will literally win by 5+, typical faggots not understanding early voting

You're bad at this, Levi

>countryflag vpn
>zog shill
>provides no counter argument
>refuses to address anything said
Say something nice about white people and our racial accomplishment. I predict you wont with 100% certainty, and will prove you are an Israeli intelligence asset. You can always prove me wrong and say something nice about our White race and our racial collective accomplishments.

>trust dah plan, Q will save us if we do nothing!!!